Argentinian Malbec kicked my ass.. So bad it "blessed" me with the most agonizing and long-term migraine known to man.

Not normal to wanna wear sunglasses in my low-lit room.

shoot me

shoot me now.
I am a slave to the man.. no, correction, a slave to the bills. tongue

3a wake up call for a 10 hour day.


Goodnight smile
If that's the case, then I'm a slave to my bar tab!
It's not natural to have a mini "heat wave" in the middle of February!

I should be grateful.. but damn!
The pink elephant in the room...

Well I won't state the obvious meaning behind today. BUT what I will say is my heart goes out to the poor suckers-- er, uh, I mean guys who decided to take their women out shopping today. After my workout, I had to swing by the mall to hit up Sephora (if you're a guy and not sure what...
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Death by Red Vines!

I had this meeting yesterday and happened to be munching on the red vines from our "buffet" of snacks throughout my 2 hr meeting. This was hosted by our I.T Manager, he offered that I grab a handful "for the road" afterwards to which I politely declined. (I guess I'm the only one at my work that eats them). To my...
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The other day, I was helping my lesbian coworker decide what to get her partner for Valentine's day. She told me her partner's a huge fan of The L Word show and wanted to get the whole collection. Now my being a bluray advocate, to own a show on DVD is considerably obsolete as cassette tape player in your car... I toggle back and forth...
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I had forgotten that I work with 2 small local production companies in my area. We've been inactive due to life (the whole family, work, economy, etc). Forgetting that one of my projects was shelved, I was asked today why so bummed out (I'm tired due to juggling 3 east coast territories--- lots of work), my boss then follows up with the question, "Is it...
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OMG, that RR corn link was too funny! She was really getting into it...classic how they slowed it down and played that porn music. biggrin
I fucking ache

need help
love to help you but im on the wrong coast
you dont want to come to nyc now,were getting a bad snowstorm.Wish i was in san diego now.
Where is my mind? Where is my mind? wheeerrrreeeee is my mind?????

So I got my bonus. MORE than what I expected... and my boss (who I actually like?!) gave me a couple of days off for R&R. I'm starting to loose my mind. I'm fucking up with rookie mistakes and I can't seem to remember or focus anymore. Either I've got some kind of...
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Misery thy name is Monday

I'm trying to soak up as much of the weekend left before I return to hell. i seriously need a vacation. I haven't had one since Christmas. I've been overworked by work and school. I think I need to tell my boss that I need a few days off.

It's ridiculous. Despite eating healthily and working out more-- I think...
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