
So I was a pirate for two weeks, became a mother to two baby doe rats, Tosca and Juniper, who rock, and also I have just made it past the 5 month mark with my Adam *^.^*

So things did get better, alot better, however I am now older, which always sucks, and I am no closer to having a house because I like...
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So it's been forever, and it's not been the best forever..

That boy I was seeing? He decided he'd rather move to Derby than be with me. Did wonders for my ego I can tell you... Still, he's an idiot, obviously smile

So it's been kinda up and down the last few months, not really right side up yet, but I think I'm getting there....
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love your tats there got some very bright colours going on in them,look very nice smile
Ok, it's horribly early on a Saturday and it's raining, and I'm going camping today.. Yay!

I get to drive 75 miles to sit in a damp field! It'll be good though, always is..

Not actually leaving till, like, 6pm, coz my new love has had to work today...

I'm actually quite smitten biggrin

His name is Chris, and he's tall and slim and has gorgeous...
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Awwww! Hope it goes swimmingly for you and the new beau! biggrin

Have fun camping and don't forget to pack the marshmallows!
Howdy, so I've literally just got back from Manchester, been up there since Friday visiting my little brother.
I always like Manchester, there's always so much going on and it just really nice to hang with Gareth, I never get to see him. He's finished his second year at Uni, now he's just kinda hanging around, working and waiting to move into his new student...
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I'm in a very strange mood today.

Got up early and went climbing up the Wrekin, and felt ace. It was just really good to be out. In clean fresh air, in the heart of the world, nothing but trees and birds and sunlight.

I get home and it's like, I dunno, major comedown. I don't wanna do anything. I can't decide what I'm so...
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you are a stunner, take no notice of him! why do people not think before they make silly comments?
hope the walk up the wrekin cheered you up, my sister goes walking there a lot.
i was really pleased with the photo of your tattoo, it turned out great smile i would love to tattoo you again someday.
take care xxxxxx
Thank you!! You seriously just made my day, i've got the goofiest smile right now biggrin
The wrekin always helps, we go every weekend, so I'll be up first thing tomorrow!

Thanks again,


I love camping love

Yesterday I came home from the first VW show of the year, well, I say first, there were already one or two, but this is the first one it was actually warm enough to camp at.

I'm talking BusTypes '07 people!

In sunny Oswestry wink

It was ace, so many beautiful campers and things.. Saw a gorgeous Razor Edge... *sigh* when I...
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I've not been camping in years! I may have to try and talk some friends into it at somepoint over the summer as it's always a laugh.
Sounds like you had a blast smile Junk food and drink = ace combination!
I love that necklace you have on in that pic!
Thanks, it's one of my fav's. It's all swirly and sparkly close up smile

Deffo recommend the camping thing, I love it and it's such a good way to relax!
Oh my god I am such a bad person.. See, there's this guy, Simon, the one with the most gorgeous eyes you'll ever see. I've known him for around 4 1/2 years, and pretty much from the first moment, I've had the hugest crush on him. But he's with Nikki, and I love Niki, she's the sweetest girl, and they're such the most gorgeous couple....
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To have a crush on somebody when you're committed is natural and most of the times healthy. He might have feelings for you and because of that realize that his relationship is not so strong... or he can see that he is happy just the way he is.

Anyway, it's good to receive a compliment from someone you like wink
Very true..

I'll have to remember that and just enjoy the friendship smile

Just bought a fab new tent, so I'm sure I'll find someone of my own to show off my piercing too!! biggrin

I have THE most gorgeous new tattoo..

All thanks to that most gorgeous of girls, Jo Harrison (aka Frankie)! Not only is she a superbly talented artist, she's also the nicest lady I've met in a long while. I'll be going back for more once I've moved out of home (the newest rule after they hit the roof over my tat... frown )

Anyway, I had...
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Thank you! It would look better if I could actually use a camera... whatever Tis tricky with only one hand though... blush
Lovely tattoo. She is indeed a talented lady.
Oh my GOD how much do my feet hurt???

I was so good this morning, I got up at 7 (not bad for a Saturday), then went round to Niki's and met up with a few friends. Then, the four of us plus Kipper the Dog, set off up the Wrekin! It's a random hill where I live, it's gorgeous and we walk up there...
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So it's almost a week since my parents escaped on a cruise to celebrate their 25th Anniversary and I've only heard from them once.

I've been abandoned! Just me and the cat...


Ok, so I don't really know what this blog is gonna be yet. I already do the online diary thing, so it just seems odd to repeat everything here... hmmm...

I guess...
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Just thought I would say hi to welcome you to the site biggrin

Thank you!


I'm new here, and just a tad nervous, I had to go apply for a credit card to get on here, it's my very first purchase *^^*

So anyway, that's all for now, there may be more later...

I don't have a credit card, I got the account as a gift.
Thank you!

Figured it was about time I got one, need to start playing at being grown up smile