It's so weird that first kisses were this week's homework because a few friends and I were literally just talking about this at work.

My first kiss was extremely innocent and I was really young, like 8 or 9 years old. He was my dad's friend's kid and we were buds for a long time. We use to hang out weekly.

One day both of...
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Haha! That's the bedtime yet!! So sweet and innocent
Best one* not bedtime... Bloody auto correct!!!

This is my very first homework blog and it's so fitting that I've turned it in late. Scents were the topic and I'm excited to share this with you.

I have to say I like clean and flirty smelling perfumes-- something that makes you sway. Nollie by PacSun is my ultimate favorite, and a scent I always go back to. It makes me feel and...
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I just went to the grocery store. In the check out line was a very tiny 80 year old lady. She must have spilled the bottle of Shalamar on herself because I could taste it, but she was still a cutie pie so all is good. 
Haha! I needed that chuckle. Thank you, @jamescrackcorn!

Ello, my pretties.

This past week has been a bit hellish for me. I apologize for my lack of activity.

Sunday evening I dropped my phone and boom; all my photos and whatnot gone. We all know that sad ending, right? If you don't know, it ends in tears and dollar signs.

I try to make light of my bad days with horrible jokes. Forgive...
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Hello and good evening!

Normally, most people would see today as one where they should stay home and avoid mirrors, black cats, etc. I on the other hand always seem to have the best of luck these days.

This particular Friday the 13th, my dear friend and I decided to check out a local hair show and drink excessive amounts of whiskey. We've had a...
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Alright. I finally have a day off and time to introduce myself properly.

My actual name is Kyanne, and it's pronounced exactly like the common cooking spice cayenne. It suits me. I love spicy food, I'm a Fire Sign Leo, and I do have a burning passion for everything I throw myself into.

I work at a men's salon and do freelance makeup work. I...
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Well welcome to the community! I know what it's like growing up out in the country, I loved it. But welcome and have fun! It is a pleasure to meet you
Welcome. I wish you the best of everything 

Hello, hi, hey you guys.

I'm so incredibly excited to be here. I can't wait to get to know all of you beautiful individuals.

♡ Orphan

Welcome, it is a pleasure to see you in suicidegirls. you're beautiful  <3
@lincy Thank you for the warm welcome. =]