It's been a rough day. My mind has been wracked with more anxiety lately than normal. I have been on meds for my anxiety disorder now for about 5 months. After I got used to them, I felt a lot better. But, in the past week or so, I am noticing irrational bouts of anger and frustration. I had a friend warn me that this...
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I FREAKING HEART YOU CUDDLE BEARsmile no be sad. please come out to philly thurs. at the tla.
I have just realized possibly the grandest problem I have with my sexual nature. I was raised in a conservative home and forced through Catholic school. Having it drilled into my head that sex is wrong. Unless it's in the confines of marriage. As a kid, I have realized that this part of me is still indoctrinated with this ideal. It's a constant conflict in...
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Sex and relationships go hand in hand. So if youre a relationship kind of guy, date a girl youre truly into and let HER do the "awakening". Strange to see an SG subscriber that has trouble finding sex easy or appropriate.
Maybe just stop thinking about it so much. Women reject me too frown hehe
Haha, my life has practically been work, barely sleeping and gaming. With random adventures to Pittsburgh to do, well, essentially nothing of true importance. Ok, I lied, going to concerts is something that is of value. Sadly, I keep forgetting the liter mug I got from Hofbrauhaus at my friends place in Pittsburgh. Damn what an epic meal time that was. Eating an appetizer, dinner...
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Haven't blogged here in a week, which is actually a while for me. About the only thing going down for me as of late outside of work is DnD and my continued avoidance of women I find attractive. I had a long discussion with a good friend of mine and we struggle with that same issue. Neither one of us seem to be able to...
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So it looks like I may be having my first date in nearly two and a half years. Granted, it's going to be a blind date and it's not really guaranteed, yet. We will be going to see the new Avengers film, which I am stoked for regardless of the date occurring or not, haha. I have had zero luck with getting dates myself basically...
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good luck on your date!!!!!!!
Wow that's awesome news! it's good that you're putting yourself out there again, best of luck!wink
I know this will probably be a random topic but it's been on my mind. As a member of the site, I find it odd that people can be so confident to bare their bodies. I am not talking about the models per-say. I mean some of the other members. Where do you people find this confidence? I don't let anyone even see me with...
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Feeling kinda down and out lately. I don't even have a reason to feel this way. It's like my life is moving forward but my brain continues to try to drag me down and hold me back. I can't help but feel empty most of the time. It's like this cycle of work, eat, sleep, that never ends. I come home and feel like doing...
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and you were giving me shit on having more confidence today?? you do not need to live in a cave sir. hush your face. you're my friend, and we can wear super nerd capes and fly around not giving a fuck together. i have a few other people in my superhero nerd squad. its not quantity either, its quality. and most people are assholes, why would you wanna have a ton of new friends anyways lol. get a puppy! a pitbull <3 you knew id say that...
Super excited to go see Opeth tonight. I know they aren't playing much of the heavy stuff but I am excited nonetheless. I expect Ghost to put on an interesting show but their music doesn't really appeal to me. I hear Mastodon is good live, so I am expecting a solid perfomance. The only thing that sucks is having to drive home late tonight due...
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awesome smile wish i was going
I swear I must have the worst luck in the world. So this lady tells me I am cute and she wants to keep it open and casual, if you know what I mean. wink

Well, she gives me supposedly her number, and apparently it's a fake. Awesome. How many damn times does a person have to go through this shit? mad Maybe I should just quit...
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frown people are shit heads
Pretty well looking forward to the weekend. This whole pesky cold/sinus infection thing is really annoying. I need to be better so at the end of the work week I head up to visit my best friend and his wifey. Another weekend away from this town will be a blessing and a half. Plus, I will be getting to see Opeth, Mastodon and Ghost. Totally...
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Well, it's been a mostly good Easter weekend. My friends had their baby, whom I will get to meet in the near future. So excited for them! And yesterday, we had a vinyl listening day. Having a good time listening to The Misfits and Wolves In The Throne Room. Unfortunately, after that, things kinda went downhill.

I woke up this morning with what is possibly...
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Glad to hear that you had a good Easter weekend :] Congrats to your friends for the baby! Hope you feel better soon m'dear!
I decided to completely rewrite this. I kinda have been crushing on this girl for a while. Funny, she works in a store I frequent but never purchase anything. Well, I kinda tease her because she tries to sell me things but the other girl who works there is a friend, and I do buy from her. The other girl likes old school thrash so...
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There you go making it sound so easy, lol. I'm so painfully awkward and totally readable when I like a girl. At least I usually am. I'm intrigued by her but I never let her have the advantage. Just because she's cute doesn't mean I am going to be an easy sale. Besides I don't generally want to buy in the store. I would much rather buy her dinner, lol. Too bad my confidence has been shot and killed more times than I can count. Otherwise it would be easy for me.blush
Hey got my MY NEW SHOW up, part 1 at least...check it out if ya get a chance...