Okay, forget everything I said in my last journal badmouthing schools.

I'm so fucking glad to be back in school it's incredible. Going through the process of actually declaring my major (anthropology) and brand new minor (history) I've found out that I only need 10 more classes to graduate, which leads to the possibility of me either getting out of school a semester early or...
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Time for my annual "I miss school and routine and solidity and am jealous of school-goers" comment. frown
haha, i wish i could stab pepole and get away with it. i'm glad you are happy to be back in school dear. good luck.
Well, school is starting up tomorrow, which means that tonight is the conclusion to my summer.

I thought I was going to have a lot more free time, but the past three weeks of starbucks has been insane to the point where I haven't had as much time as I'd like to myself in order to be productive. All work and no play makes Alex...
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Last night I helped carry booze up to the counter with my friend who is 21 and hands were full. The girl at the counter asked me for my I.D. to the point where I said "Why, I'm not buying this, I'm helping my friend" she then proceeded to tell me that the fact that I put it on the counter requires that I be...
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In MA they won't let people buy booze if they even have someone under 21 with them. If the clerk wants to be a real asshole they may even card everyone sitting in your car in the parking lot waiting!
check my response in the cd copy protection thread. let me know if it works for you.
I've grown up in a family with 3 women and a pissy father. I need to grow some balls and retain my intelligence.

well. thank you. :]
I just feel bad because they've helped me out a lot and now I feel like a dick.

But I love my new job so that's sort of consolation.
I feel stuck in the same way that I was for 3 years in high school....well at the moment anyway.

I should have gotten a vacation this summer somehow. Between working and having no plans for my days off lately I've just been one big ball of no fun. Lately I've been a sort of tag along with my sister Kate and her boyfriend. We...
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yeah i am pretty happy it's gone. red robin is a chain restaurant, serves burgers and shit. i hope it burns.

degrassi is awesome x 16000000 times
Actually Im from a really ghetto and poor section of Los Angeles. Its in the same district as Compton and Watts. The ball-breasted girl is a future wife of a longshoreman or a fireman. There are no trophy wives here.
I just typed into google my mother's last name and I just learned specifics about the history of my Mother's side of the family...and while I knew they were rich and all that, understanding the details is something different.

My Mom's last name is 'Grosvenor' (the s is silent). For those new englanders out there who have heard of the town Grosvenordale....that town is named...
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haha. a town named after them, pretty crazy.
School will be starting sooner than I like. Not that I don't like school. I just don't like going to the repetative schedual of school/work/home. Meeting my fellow commutters for 4 hours a day where the friendships begin and end on a campus. Shit ain't cool ya'll.
Wrong Alex, but hi all the same ;D ;D ;D
I think I commented on your last journal while you were updating, so if you want free wine best go read it!
Step two is my favorite...but then I do lots of things while thinking of James Bond.

I don't think I'm usually bad in interviews, but I got there 10 mins late and there was a room full of 10 people waiting to interview me. The job is at a non profit where mentally ill adults go fot assistance in getting jobs, getting back into school...basically just becoming independant and enjoying life. Anyway, I didn't realize that they would be having staff and patients (for lack of a batter word) interviewing me. It took me a while to figure out who was who, plus I already felt like an ass for being late.

PS I cannot recomend a wine, but try Caipirinha. A cold Brazilian treat. I've heard thier green wines are excellent as well.

Man, I wish I was going back to school!

[Edited on Aug 11, 2005 12:14PM]
Oh and my dad is giving up alcohol as a result of the family drama. He has a nice little wine cellar. Perhaps I can nab something for you. I do owe you a gift!
So I went to my Grandmother's funeral yesterday. My family woke and I had to get up in that time where the sky is closer to black than blue. By the time we were walking out the door there was enough caffeine in us to light a lightbulb.

The first stop was the funeral home to see the body. The only problem was there wasn't...
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One of my grandmothers funerals was somewhat similar to that except it was done Episcopalian (Catholic Lite) style.

Sadly, my last ditch marriage right has already been claimed by a repressed Chinese boy (who wont admit hes really gay) and a tall artistic gay friend (who wont admit hes really straight).
i'm sorry for your loss. for my mom's funeral there were pics and i think a casket, but she was cremated. there was an open casket for my unle and grandfather, but they were both cremated. my grandomther was also cremated. i actually laughed during my uncle's memorail. the things the priest or whoever sais are rediculous to me sometimes. they make out dead peole to be something they are not when they are alive. he was a drug adict who overdosed. i t was creepy to see his dead body, i didn't really feel much.
Ive just decided to embrace single and lonely. Hopefully, I will just turn into one of those old, deranged cat ladies.

Well, minus the cats.
The best way to deal with telemarketers is NEITHER of those. Simply tell them that you are not interested and politely ask to be taken off their Do Not Call list. Wait for them to finish reading whatever they are required to read, and say thank you, bye, and THEN hang up.

Thank you. smile