Annnnd I'm back. For whoever cares :

I'm married. Woot!! I'll post some pictures soonish.
Met some SG's at C2E2! Great girls. I'll repost some pictures taken. Was there from 11-7, so it was a long ass day.
Spent two hours at an oral surgeon to remove a fractured tooth. Took some Ibuprofen, some Vicodin and a shit load of water. Off of work for the rest of the day and have nothing to do but relax.
hope you don't feel any pain!!!!! smile
Awesome!! I got my gift from the PSW Gift Exchange. Thank you PeachySweetLove for the video games, I will enjoy them thoroughly.
You are most welcome sir smile
glad you liked my pictures! smile
and facebook purging is THE BEST.
my fav is when you finally delete that person you haven't talked to in over a year....they friend request you WITHIN LIKE 12 HOURS. WTF?!!
hahaha obviously they're just creepin your junk daily! mad
Annnnd I'm back. Thank you SG for the cheap yearly.
i know it is late, but welcome back, sir smile
Happy birthday!!!!!!!!!!!!! hope, you have a wonderful day biggrinbiggrinbiggrinbiggrinbiggrinbiggrinbiggrin

Any of you got Google+? If so (or not and want to be invited) shoot me your email.
Scream 4 : My thoughts (spoiler alerts!)

I saw Scream 4 a few days ago. I liked it. It was refreshing to see a sequel that was better than the other sequels (I didn't care for Scream 3 at all, and 2 was "meh" at best.) I just re-watched Scream 2 and came to a realization.

My only problem is

SPOILERS! (Click to view)

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I think my cats are trying to kill me.

Both my cats have issues with vomiting. The vets said it's nothing to really be concerned about, since one cat has hairball issues so there's vomit with the hairballs. My issue is when she tried to have a hairball this morning, on my head.

They both decided that the best place to sleep in the house...
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My cat knocked a glass off my counter and shattered it at 4AM. I think she wants to hurt me.

I've been thru a lot lately. My hours at one job got cut so bad I had to pick up two part time jobs just to make some extra money.

Now, I'm finally a bit ahead, so HERE I AM!!

God damn I miss this site.
I finally found it!

A LONG time ago a friend of mine loaned me his copy of I Am Legend, which is one of my favorite stories. I'm still a little angry that with three tries no one has yet to get the transition to film right. The closest version was Vincent Price in Last Man on Earth. And the ending was still wrong.

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I miss you.
So my job and job search are both not going very well. I was told on Friday that I'm going to be layed off for a week, but I don't know if it might be longer. So, I need to ask any of my friends for a little help.

I am offering my wonderful graphic design services for relatively cheap prices.

I can design:
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