still not feeling too much better yet. i hope this thanksgiving is not as bad as last one. on a positive note i started bartending school and im really enjoying it, even though the memorization is going to be a bitch. the kz is commong along i just have to order all the parts i need (which seems like a never ending list) and then...
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well i have recently updated my profile. i felt the need to add to the "makes me sad" catagory because as of lately it seems a lot of things are getting me down. im tring to look at the bright side of things. maybe a positive outlook will help.
a positve outlook will help, the trick is getting one and believing it.
I love the Sarte plays, "The Flies" is my favorite. But none of them are probably what one should be reading if things are getting them down! Are you a bike mechanic by trade? Whatcha riding?

[Edited on Nov 22, 2005 6:20AM]
i have not updated in a long time because nothing really exciting had happened and i did not have the inspiration to write anything. but finally some interesting things have happened. i got an ipod nano!!! hell yeah its bad ass then bex took it to work with her and it craped out... big time bummer so i took it to the mac store in...
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i got two baby turtles. they are red eared sliders. and they are so awesome. they eat out of your hand. my bex and i got them an aquarium and all kinds of cool stuff for the inside. i really hope they live a long time. i wish i had a dgital camera to poast pics of them
i've been to two alkaline trio shows in the last two months. they were both really great shows. the last show i saw was at the starland ballroom in slayerville. rufio and nightmare or you opened which wasen't all that exciting but alk 3 more than made up for it. i got to crowd surf while they were playing. then i went to the bathroom...
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well i a member again. a lot has happened since i've been gone. i got a new job. making more money. its closer to my house. much less traffic. no tolls. free lunch every saturday. all for doin what id do for free anyway. you cant beat that
so christmas is upon us, i did as much shopping as i could spent way too much money. but everyone i spent money on was worth it.
How much would you sell the bandit for??
christmas shoping sucks
Welcome to SGMC!

Post some pix in the members' bikes photoset and introduce yourself in the New Members topic, then roam around & make some noise.
I love red meat too, almost obcessive about it.
Hey, I saw on SGMC you went to the MC maint. school.
How was it? How MUCH was it??
I called them up last year and got the package but the guy I talked to was so pushy about committing me to a date that I got pissed and never called back. He acted like a used car salesman and was a complete jerk.
After I went to Iraq, I had dreams of doing that and getting out of aviation and working on bikes.
I've been a mechanic for almost 14 years and I love it, plus I looooove riding, so tell me about it from the first hand stuff...
That's if you have time.
I'm in no hurry right now, I just moved to Holland to work for the Royal Netherlands Air Force and I'll be here for a year. But, after that..who knows??
I tend to be kinda unpredictible.
Some say it's good....
Others not so good.
I haven't decided yet, so I'm just gonna keep on keeping on. biggrin
i just saw the movie garden state. it was a serious movie that made me think, and it had a few very funny parts. i liked it a lot.
Finding new cars SUCKS.

Don't you hate it that once you are actually old enough to drink, no one cards you anymore?? I always have to say "do you need my ID?" and then they say "ok" and look at it and say "holy shit! i could have sworn you were at least 30!"

Oh well. Beer is fun!
I was raised on horror movies. I remember getting so scared, I hated it at first but then I grew to love it. I still cant get enough, unfortunatly i feel horror movies have gone down hill. They all seem predictable and boring. I miss the rush i used to get when I was watching a good horror film, my heart beating, my breath short. But finally a new film came out to really twist my head. I saw "Saw" on halloween and it was great. I left the theatre thinking how the fuck could you think of a movie like that without actually being a psychopath your self. Unbelievable I highly recomend it to anyone with a strong stomach.