I feel....different, and enthused. I don't really know what to make of this...well, I do actually.

I've always been different, had these feelings, perceptions, beliefs.

I function at a vibration unlike most. I sense the emotions of others from a place beyond sight, sound, smell.

My psychic energy is returning at a rate which seems almost out of control. Depression really killed it, and now...
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Wow I just have to say, that is one stunning profile pic you have there, quite dreamy smile
heeeey you still exist. woot.
I don't really feel like I'm doing all that much.

I'm not at all really....well, I'm going to the gym 5 times a week. However, even though my body is changing, developing, it doesn't seem to be to any end, since I don't have someone to share it with at the moment.

I guess I'm enough of a narssist to enjoy looking at myself in...
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excluding people from a group that holds itself to certain standards doesn't seem like a moral dilemma to me.
If you deny the right to exclude, then you deny people's rights to create communities in which they wish to exist. An all-inclusive policy means that you take away choice. To me, that seems like an immoral imposition on a community... smile
My hatred for university has reached entirely new levels, or the stupid people in them.

I thought that university was supposed to be a place where people go out to achieve higher learning. Teach themselves how to accomplish their goals in life. Work on their weaknesses and come out a better person.

I did not think that it was a place where it is fun...
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WOW psy, i can't believe this - if u wanna talk more about this i'm here to listen.

I go on a couple of dates with a girl, we have a good time, but there is little to no progress from one date to the next. We get to know each other a little each time we see one another, but I start to get the feeling like I'm falling into the friend zone, even though I'm honest with how I feel and...
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at least you were made aware of the baggage before you invested too much time? Also, how was the NIN show?
Fuckin eh!

I beat my way through the crowd of people and grabbed on to the barricades in front of the stage for dear life by a 1/4 way through Trent's set. The whole concert blew my mind. I was less than 2 meters away from Trent the whole time, singing along when the air wasn't crushed from my lungs from the mass of oinkpigs...
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I tried to get up front on the fragile tour but I was getting crushed even during the opener (aperfectcircle) so I bailed to the back. Saw this tour this past summer in Seattle and have a tkt for the Vegas show but not sure I can pull that trip off. Hard to see when you are way up close but there's some spectacular visuals to see on this tour.
I just commented on your Toronto sexaholics thread. Nothing too constructive but I will add here:
If I had your looks, I'd have the fkn Aids by now!
I have a spare Nine Inch Nails ticket for this friday in Hamilton. A friend will be giving me a ride back and forth to Toronto.

$72 bucks. Start begging bitches!
damn, I think that's too late for me to get it off work.
I want to get a tattoo done. I have a pretty clear idea for it, anyone know a good artist to design it for me? I wouldn't know where to start unless my arm/back are going to be cut off and stuck in a theatre...
I know some good Toronto artists, but the ones I would recommend are different depending on the type of tattoo.
What are you looking at having done?
No more fucking feeling sorry for myself. I'm back on track, thank god.

I owe that to a good friend's reality check. Hopefully I'll be able to set myself straight and quit that dwelling crapola.
So I'm feeling horrible.

I can't shake this feeling of loneliness off of me, and its starting to eat at me. When I'm at work, I'm fine. But every time I come home, I feel more and more alone.
Well, after a year and a half I am single. Her doing not mine.

I guess the details come down to she was bored, too busy with other things, and simply wasn't happy anymore.

I was content, but its a two way Street.

Meh, I've sucked it up and moved on. Overall I feel a lot more free, less inhibited in general, and a lot...
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I'm sorry to hear about your relationship but I'm glad you're moved on so quickly smile That's always the hardest part, I think.

ps. I'm glad you've reappeared.