well, what is better than time on a tractor? how about a 600 mile drive, in a company truck with only an AM/FM radio. yeah, the 7,5 hours spent driving and only 1 exit to worry aboutallowed me time to think. then we talked last night. we is my girlfriend and i, which is no longer. we got into a rut, and really could have...
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why does it take twice as long as the vacation to recover from the vacation. after spending 8 days away, i am now 10 days back, and i feel even more buried. anyways, that is nothing new.

how you be?

i have things to think about, and i wish the weather was nice enough that i could start mowing my yard. on the tractor is...
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Yeah after you get back from a nice long vacation you have to recover. Seems like there is always so much to do when you return.

*Hugs!* kiss
the rain got us but the sunshine has returned.

tractors are cool.

thank you for your nice words.
nothing new and exciting to update with. need time to recover and think. the last two weeks have been pretty crazy in the way of work and needing to get things done.

not enough time for either.
check out the "IMPORTANT SATURDAY NIGHT" thread in the detroit group... kiss kiss kiss
thanks for the b-wishes !! kiss

i had a good time in houston, i wish i didn't have to work during the days, but the nights were nice.

i hate NW airlines, going they left our lugage in detroit, we got it about 12 hours after landing. coming back, i had some stuff taken out of my bag. it was nothing expensive, but it was taken. it sucks.

this week is...
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okay, so i haven't said much lately. it has been an interesting few weeks. along wtih working a hell of a lot of hours, i have a family crisis over the weekend.

after drinking with the hockey team friday, i wake up to a phone call from my dad saying to be prepared to come home becasue my grandfather is getting very ill. so i...
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apperently this is to be the most depressing day of the year. so says an english doctor. i think it is alright, how can i be feeling bad, i woke up this morning, i am breathing. but, i am a little bummed about hte steelers losing. it was a great season for the steelrs, lets go and do it better next year.

i am not...
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i have not had much fun these last few days. hopefully that will change with me going to the casino on work!! a night of free drinks and casino games, woo hoo. when i get back, it should be a nice weekend. cold but nice.

i want to have a kinky weekend. cuffs, chains, toys, and such. we will see.
i like snow, and i like rain. i just don't like one to follow the other. it leads to icy roads, and stupid people in the ditchs, and then even dumber people in the ditchs because they gawked at the stupid people. these people are the reason it has taken me 1 hr 40 min and 1 hr 20 min, the last two mornings to...
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I love snow, it doesn't snow here in Lisbon frown hate rain though mad

btw thanks for your nice comment... blush
work sucks, but it is paying the bills.

i have spent my bonus money already, but, i am now ahead on my bills. NICE!! soon i will get an IPod, they are soooo cool. i have soo many cd's i could put on it.

something weird happened while i was out of town, i actually started to miss my gf. this has not happened before....
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merry christmas, all you mother fuckers.

i might not make it through this day to see the next. i have to drive from detroit MI to columbus OH. i have heard the snow is to stop by noon. but have you ever been in columbus after a flurry? we would hope for just 3 inches of snow, the WHOLE town would shut down, no school....
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wink mad wink mad wink mad wink mad
wink mad wink mad wink mad wink mad

i had a VERY wierd dream last night. one that involved a road trip to florida, where we only drove west, my best buddy and a childhood friend of his, hot chololate mix and SG's very own Flick. i don't know what the meaning of the whole thing was, i just think it was FUCKED up.

started out with the 3 of us driving from...
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peanuts... not just for baseball any more.

can someone please tell me, when did peanuts become the nut for all seasons? we have recieved over 100 lbs of peanuts from suppliers and sub contractors here in the office as holiday gifts? has jimmy carter taken over christmas? i was wonderng why gas prices went up so high. when did i become jumbo the elephant? and,...
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Thank you for the birthday wish.

Peanuts are the nut for all season. I didnt know that.

I like it trimmed, but not shaved. Ouch!! Sorry that you cut yourself. I have dont that once when I decided to shave it all off and I havent done it since. I just like to trim.