Someone smashed up the right front fender of my car some time during the last 10 days when it was parked. I guess I should check on it more often since I never drive it.
Apparently there was an earthquake a couple hours ago. I had no idea.

Now I'm headed to the bar.
Another day in the Life Of Jonathan
Well, I'd just come back from dinner with a girl who I dated a couple years back, who was trying to set me up with a former dominatrix turned professional psychic, who's a Gemini, just like me.

So the last table we sat tonight were 45 minutes late for their reservation. It was 8 people, and they were all dressed in Star Trek outfits.


On the plus side, there was an amusing debate last night at the bar about whether I looked more like Doc Holliday or Wyatt Earp. I'd just come from seeing Ryan Bingham at the Troubador, so I...
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hey man: congrats on the solid launch at boho. the reviews on yelp are looking good. can't wait to try it out.
star trek outfits? interesting
Holy cow, I just experienced the most girl drama I've ever experienced. I go to see a friend's band play, and I have 3 ex's there, plus a girl who I met a few weeks ago who I kinda like. Well, Ex A gets all flirty with me, which I didn't expect at all, as we split up about 18 months ago. Ex B was...
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I think the 2 years of working superlong hours is catching up to me.
Start eating real food you stupid fucking cunts! Take a fucking chance and trust that a chef knows what the Hell he's doing.
Heh. I thought this post was going to be about fat people who whinge about being fat all the time...but also always continuosly (sp?) eat shitty fast food... I have several friends who do that ALL the time. It shits me.

But yes. You can cook for me any day!!

One of the top 5 professions I desire in a partner = chef. Good food is rad....so hope atleast you enjoy yummy food.
So Easter weekend I went to Lafayette to spend the weekend with my aunts, uncles, and cousins who I haven't seen in 7 or 8 years. It was amazing. My uncles are pure comedy -- they're hardcore swamp cajuns, total coonass rednecks, but they're both super smart and really funny.

Getting there and back was a major pain in the ass, though. Leaving LA Friday,...
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Haha, I'm in that group as of yesterday.

Having a smallish potluck brunch at the house tomorrow - you and Henry are more than welcome! I'll msg you the address.
So we're reasonably busy every night, especially on weekends, which is great.

But the lack of organization and the way what organization IS present is organized, is driving me fucking insane. I don't like working with any of these people. Not that I dislike them all personally, but I really don't like the way they work. Any of them!


So opening night was mellow, but the next two nights were crazy busy. Good. Last night was mellow but busy enough.

Going back to sleep for a bit now.
Opened last night. Went fine. Kinda slow. Let's see how tonight goes ....

So we're less than a week away from opening, and some of my kitchen gear still hasn't shown up, the bar isn't finished, I'm not being allowed to hire the rest of my staff to train them until we open and start bringing in some money ... this is not the most organized restaurant opening I've been involved in.

I'm amazed that people have the balls to open restaurants in this kind of economy. Hope it works out fine!