Wassup, biotches? Work ainft too bad today, theyfre doing this international festival thing and I got to see sexy bellydancers and eat gyroscyum, food with flavor!
I also did a tea ceremony. They gave us sweets that were supposed to look like carp streamers (koinobori) for boys day, and some pink tea with sweet cherry blossoms in it.
I have tomorrow off- yay! Gotta figure...
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Could my Japanese coworkers be anymore retarded and lame? bok Sigh
5 hours down, six to go.
My rampant libido ain't helping either.

Had fun last night though. Went drinking with Esther, and she told me she dated some J boy who tried to make her lick his gigantic balls....EWWWWWW

The only people who have tattoos in Japan are Yakuza- The Japanese Mafia. Foreigners are already looked down upon as is, so having visible tattoos means you'll have a hard time finding a job, a place to live, get turned away from restaraunts, etc...Going to hot springs/public baths is a big part of the culture too, so even hidden tattoos can be a problem.
you make me so happy wink
I just masturbated in a semi-private internet cafe booth.
I came in under 20 seconds. Did not think this was possible.
Hell, I guess going 8 months without masturbating to porn will do that two you...(I had a similar experience when I realized my hotel room had a free porn channel!) eeek
isn't it funny how it takes only like 20 seconds to make yourself cum, but most guys have problems giving that to a girl in 30 minutes.
heck, it normally takes that long to get my damn self off! I think it was the semi-public setting and long term porn deprivation that got me off!
I am still feeling horny....and MEAN!!!! But I kinda like being a bitch to stupid people.
My SG journal is incredibly INANE...you can go read my real one here:
SANKYU! robot
I am fiendishly horny for numerous reasons right now. I went into a smutty manga shop and was surrounded by horny, geeky japanese boys.... confused
I think I am going to take up drawing manga... miao!!
I am twenty three today eeek
I am looking forward to this year because it seems so aleister crowleyesque.
I drank lots of champage and saw Moon Child. I am happy. love
Nyanko is not so genki. miao!!
Job is biting my ass.
Why are Japanese boys so cute love but also so evil? oink
I am going to slink away pathetically now puke
I went clubbing last night and made out with a Japanese man. Now I am pretending to stay cool at work and I just dont give a damn. mad
Mwaaa ha haaaaaa!!! It's tha BJ!!!!!!! Yipes and Yanka!!!

Huge smooches kiss now I know several 5-c peeps on tha site smile

zOw!!!! ker-BLAMMO!!! *orgiastic explosions of madness*