Discussing how to make lightning,
you are traveling through a forest at night, hunting

and you hear a...
how long do rabbits live?
how much sleep do i need, how to get a girl to sleep

partially heard

You also know that the time for walking has ended,
your signature has finally dried.
you know what band sings those lyrics.....smile
I'm so happy you know that song and that band......i love lemuria
Thinking of tattooing the whole of my skeletal structure onto the ventral side of my body, from the sternoclavicular process down. Ventral view of the feet, dorsal view of the phalanges. Just a thought, but it's also a crazy idea. I tend to go with the crazy ideas.
Ow. My teeth.

I've been in and out of various hospitals since about May 11th. Hypercalcemia turned into a huge deal when I demonstrated some kind of allergy to imipramine, the painkiller the kindly Doc Daneeka put me on for the stupid arthritis. This, in addition to the ridiculous amounts of heavy metal floating around in my bloodstream, is a recipe for heavy metal poisoning....
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I think things are getting better here.

Found myself an apartment in the Junction (my neighborhood since I was 9) back in Toronto. It's above what used to be the "used comic book store," before the Comic Post took over the street. It's huge, and incredibly cheap because no-one wants to live way out in the West End (yet). And: it comes with a studio...
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i'm jealous you got to go to hotdocs. but that documentary sounds really rad. i was at this conference a few weeks ago for people with hereditary cancer and carriers of gene mutations that cause cancer, and they showed this documentary from kartemquin called 'in the family,' and it was hugely affecting. i couldn't actually finish watching it, since i hate to cry in front of other people. but since watching it i haven't been able to stop thinking about this one girl whose mother died of breast cancer and who doesn't want to get tested for the BRCA gene mutation. i hope she does get tested, but i also understand why she doesn't want to.

so cheesy, but i love being reminded of how powerful documentaries can be.

working with a 1st edition oxford book of english verse sounds kinda amazing, btw.
I was drinking coffee on the front porch, and a man was sleeping in the back seat of a white car across the street. Two police crept up on the car, used a tool to fling the door open, and dragged him out in the street. Clasped by these two people, he didn't wake up truly until a ray of light through a tree in...
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How I make the belts is my little secret. You should order one!

Hearts, Amina
Got this today on a postcard from postcardx.

Time did not stand still in her garden. It rushed at her with a fearsome emptiness as if she were rushing ground-ward from a high cold place or had been thrown into a waterfall in the moment it was freezing solid. Where was the all sweetness, the fullness, the abundance that the accumulation of years had been...
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water seeping into the sidewalk's concrete
like a stain over the dry heart of the city;
letting loose the disparate
smells and sounds of a mummified concern;
(treasuries and armories of aching beauty)
and empathy captured by a teasing
Indian Summer andallofthis
blows away
with the cold wind against a paint store window

a man sitting in a puddle of red acrylic

the tin open...
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His dentures were lying on the stairs. She discovered them after the undertaker had left, so she saved them for the Chapel of Rest. His teeth, she said. They popped out when he took the leap. Clearing out the drawers later she found three tubes of denture glue, all unopened.
What's that from? It's very good.

Thanks for the nice comment on Zuraih's Capnomancy set!

Also, bonus points for knowing what Capnomancy meant!
Thanks so much for you comment on my set Capnomancy!

On the bus today, a woman sitting in the aisles below mine stared out the left-side windows too. We looked at the flock of pigeons the bus had run into - a natural part of their lives, as bears must be to salmon. But framed in the salt-rime of my back-window, a pigeon in mid-flight framed against an old warehouse building. In her window, framed...
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I try to spend as much time there as I can, in many different kinds. But I don't belong, I can't shiv like the natives. I guess one generalization I can make about prison is what Mark Twain said of hell: youre sure to meet interesting people there. That doesn't mean they'll be interested in you.
The athletic fleece she'd bought that morning is sticking to the small of her back, sweat-sodden. Muscles burn as her heart pounds, and there's blood roaring in her ears. Marja could no longer hear the steady thump of her sneakers against the dust path in the park. The view looks out over the burgeoning industrial squalor of Tacoma - in the distance, she hears the...
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First wife called me a pack rat. I guess she
was the only one that saw me that way.
Second wife didn't stay with me past the
Third wife saw my collections and panicked.
Fourth wife seemed eager to join the others.
I wish I would have married them alphabetically.