so today is thursday...yep. sitting here in my apartment as usual. i'm about to watch STOKED: the rise and fall of gator...i have seen it many times. i like the music and the cool 80's skate footage. i was 13 in 1987 and gator was a hero of mine as a kid. i had the vision shirts and the gator shorts. vision street wear was...
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yep, if i get the part i actually get to talk. if you want a part send a headshot to troma.com... go there for more info. as for my set, soon.... be patient!! wink
no be a grammar nazi on your own journal
so i saw 'lords of dogtown' yesterday with my parents. i think they liked it too! so that was pretty cool. there were only 10 people in the theater. i thought it was good although it was written through the eyes of stacy peralta...but i guess that is still better than someone who wasn't really there at all. super excited for george a. romero's land...
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i have been elusive. i will be around later in the week.
monday monday...woops...it's 12:30am...so tuseday tuesay... blush i have been chatting with sg nicolelee for a while and had no idea she was a suicide girl...hehe. i think i met her in an aol chat room. hi nicolelee! if you are reading this. i need cash money to fix my fucking car...so if you would like to donate email me. miao!! it's been like super hot here in...
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hows it going man?

when is the next gathering?

SG withdrawal is a nasty business.

hey here's an sg that's older
i think you said an older friend of yours wanted to try it
okay, la la la la. it's saturday morning. blah blah blah...my "friend" amy from frisco told me i was a follower for joining suicide girls and told me that all the sgs were all the same after reading some profiles...hmmm. i know that sgs are very different from each other after chatting with some...some are perverts, some hate perverts! some like punk, some like heavy...
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....and some have a fox in their freezers! I watched tale of two sisters again last night cause I got the two disk dvd! Anyone who spend more than five minutes on the site will see how unique everyone is. I dont want to see that video of Dime Id cry. Dont even want to think about it. How are your kitties? miao!! skull
crzy they have video makes sense
ppl are such necros skull
monday sunshine so high it's hard to see through the sunday clouds still lingering how you wound up in the sea spinning above while burning inside further you go and deeper you dive don't mean to deceive but it's they who believe they fall in love with the girl they perceive not you blind them with kindness until they are reminded they're lonely and desperate...
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I can't promise that. Sorry. biggrin
Hey BroI vaguely remember Steve or more accurately Steve was different he kind of always did his own thing.

My Uncle worked building the Alaska Pipeline and had a place on Venice Beach. I stayed there during the summers of 75, 76, and 77. I wasnt really into the Skate thing but would surf in the Morning with before work.
so today is monday? hmmmm. i think i am suposed to remember something today. oh yes. all of those poor men and women who were fooled into dying for this sorry ass country. dead for dollars. but i guess it's better, if you have a loved one who died, to believe that they died for a real reason rather than the lies. i do feel...
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well, looks like christian slater has been grabbing asses on the streets of nyc...i thought he was a bit older than 35. i guess that puts him at about 23 when they made true romance...and yes the chainsaw scene is one of my favorites from scarface.
haha how did I know you'd say that!
NoPulp2000: :-P
DespairFaction20: hiya
NoPulp2000: sup beeeoutch
DespairFaction20: nada sittin here
DespairFaction20: gotta work today :-(
NoPulp2000: dippin sauce
NoPulp2000: mmmmmm
DespairFaction20: yup
DespairFaction20: ill be eatin pizza tonite
NoPulp2000: 3 cheese stuffed crust
DespairFaction20: thats actually not too bad
DespairFaction20: but its not 3 cheeses
NoPulp2000: um
NoPulp2000: what chew mean?
DespairFaction20: its still the same as the stuffed crust only its dyed
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Hello skull
jesus h. christ! ack! what the fuck are dreams??? my brain is really twisted and somehow mixes emotional things with the twisted themes...to have normal people and/or family and friends...some i haven't thought about in years to suddenly be in my life again and all of us acting like maniacs is just too much to handle when i wake up at 5am! i won't even...
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la da da da...it's 2:56am...watched 8mm with norritt tonight...ate some taco bell. he had a veggie burger. tomorrow is the big movie day. woo hoo...just hope everyone has fun. i'm kinda bored now though...maybe someone will wanna go to kennywood later this week. hmmmm. what else is there to do.

4:43am - still awake...still bored. i'm watching dawn of the dead and listening to the...
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reality is the one thing that when you stop believing in it...it doesn't go away.
hey...i just got back from work. i'm going to e-mail you to see if i can still come tonight.
uuuhhhhhh, i woke up an hour ago...i was sleeping the sleep of the dead! i slept for like 12 hours i think. i missed tuesday. well, the day part of it. i feel like i am still asleep...i'm a zombie! ack. EL SUICIDO LOCO

uhhh, i'm not even watching a movie! i am watching the nbc news or as i see it...the corporate controlled information that could very...
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