With a minor break, and having to make a 2nd new account, ✨Happy Anniversary to SG✨.

I joined when it was brand new, and met some great people online and in real life.

🌟Recently, I met someone here who has changed my life. Once time allows us, we are beginning a Life Adventure together in real life.

@truetrue316 is an amazing man, and one of...
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Yet again, a long absence.

Life has been "eventful", & I've been shut down for a while. I'm trying to reconnect, with myself and the world.

If people, "friends" or otherwise, want to acknowledge, that would be great.

If you want to interact, and we connect, that would be good too.

@imnotferris Tried to tag you in my reply above... but had to send it again here. Hope you read my reply here and my private message to you.
Hey!welcome back💘

Still around. Life has been kicking me when I'm down, a lot.

I've been battling to remain positive, and find a reason to keep going towards a very unknown future.

I've already lost / removed new "friends" from my new life here.

I'm struggling with another few.

Two to remove.

One to try to hold onto.

I'm feeling more isolated than just this COVID things...
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Hold on. The one thing certain is change