Don't hate DO THE DANCE!!!!

Nothing new with me tho I do hate laws weed should be legal in every state for medical use.I get a choice stick with the meds they have me on now for pain which don't work or push to get painkillers which will destroy my heart over time so I get to choose suffer or cut my life in...
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I was going to talk about mass effect but I haven't had much time to put into it. I blame Star wars the old republic haha. I hate the world sometimes I know sounds dark but I hate seeing animal cruelty. It's said that this day and age we can see people die or just horrible stuff and it not phase us me on the...
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I can't for the life of me stick to a diet could be part of the problem.

frown Some people have to tact. I feel the same way when I see someone doing something horrible to an animal. Sometimes I prefer the animals in my life over the people
So Nothing interesting is going on in my life so I am going to explain my thoughts on this site. First off I will say yes beautiful naked girls is 1 reasons I joined but not the main reason I joined this site. I tell people I have a account on here first thing they think is pervert I respond with if looking at beautiful...
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So I am back from vegas it was fun just wish I could have done more. Yes I got fucked up lol can't go to vegas and not get drunk tho eiffel tower drink was a horrible idea was it tasty sure does it have enough sugar to want to puke yes. I will post pics once I collect them all from cam and phone...
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When I hear this song it makes me think and feel the odd sensation you feel when talking or with someone you really care about but being denied there love. Chasing the so called impossible to achieve the love of your life makes you crazy that girl is my drug and to move on without her is feels impossible cause you crave her attention and...
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Hello all. Sorry I haven't been around to post comments and give my thoughts on the epic sets been sick and spending a lot of time with my mom she is having a hard time with the neck brace. Which I found out she got extremely lucky she didn't die from her broken neck if it cracked even a little bit up word it would...
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So I had surgery last friday nothing serious just a yearly check up it's called a heart cath. Now in the past this use to worry me cuz it always had bad news but today I got my results back they said my heart is extremely healthy and almost stronger then people with there natural hearts from birth so I only have to see my...
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Hello people of SG land. Yeah I have been meaning to blog for like 3 weeks haha holidays/ Star wars the old republic has kept me busy haha. Anyways everything has been well tho I finally got sick normally I get sick mid December but it decided to hit after new year. Also I promise to leave some love on yall sets and I am...
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No I haven't I really want it >.< I don't want to spend the money and risk it not running right since I have a mac I think I'll probably just wait for them to release a version compatible with macs
Well I've got my fingers crossed that it will happen sooner rather than later