I feel like I've been trying to get this apartment cleaned up for 4 months, but it's still all upside down inside out round and round.

And I can't find Seventh Generation products anywhere these days.

And I just rolled a 10 on 1000 on Fang of the Mystics. In reverso-world, I would've won!

I can't find time to do most of the things I...
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I could cut and paste the second half of your journal onto mine....I feel ya! And now I've got insomnia from hell from working so late, and everytime I lay down to try to sleep I can't stop coughing. So it's 5 am and I'm on SG.....I guess I could be doing worse things biggrin
dont feel so icky ! je parie que ca va passer ! tu devrais couter de la nouvelles musique, avant que tu te mette a adorer le label RCA ( nouvelle maison d'anti flag ) ... coute un truc vrai ... disons Dayglo Abortions ( I used to be in love )ou Kontingent 88 ( victoire )

*immense calin*

et merci pour l'.toile ! wink
I'm back on the net, baby.

So after some intense school-o-thon and various other things, I now am:

WIthout a job.
A graduate.
In a new apartment.
On vacation indefinitely.

Still, I have plenty to do... catching up on various things I never had time to do in the last 3 years, including burning through that stack of games I got but never played.

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ORANGE ! you like 1984.. thats so cool biggrin
ha ! les pomes du mtro, c'est en gerber !

attends.. tu veux dire que je vais avoir un autocollant en toile.... VICTOIRE ! mouahahahhahahahaha
Well well well....
Today I *totally* (except the eyebrows aha) shaved my face for the first time in 7 years. And I now have problems with self-recognition biggrin

I took a few pictures of in-between full beard and full shave... it was fun. Check out #3 ... oh yeah! Other pics of the end result in my pics.

Now to wait for it to grow back.......
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my god, man. dont you ever update your journal?
*slaps hand*
you have great lips.

the beard, or lack thereof... hot either way. wink
Great BBQ and show... The Sainte-Catherines and Fifth Hour Hero displayed their talent once more. There's no doubt, if you like punk rock, that you should check out these bands.

I think I took approximately 150 pictures. I stepped up to the role of the annoying hero, yes.

Annoying - enough with your @skull$&/# camera!

Hero - awesome pictures, I'm glad somebody took those!!...
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in new zealand they will actually fine you if you don't vote. it's the law.
Aw thanks for putting me in your Favorite list biggrin makes me feel special tongue
Hurray for Tuesday night.... the Burlesque show was great.

Anyone got to see the bands that opened? Were they any good? I missed them due to other more important concerns ie. The Insurgent, Pirx the Pilot and Six-Cent Legends show biggrin

Speaking of great things, anyone in Montreal should resume their partying at the Ste-Catherines & Fifth Hour Hero show at L'X this friday. One of...
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i love it. thanks. caliginous. note to self: must find usage for new rocking ass obscure word.
i always end up eating roasted corn at BBQs. it seems like meat substitutes don't grill up well and I get sick of answering the 12 kajillion questions about what the fuck i'm eating and what the word vegan means. whatever

i agree on the vocab builder. i learn tons of new words that never quite find their way into my lexicon because i don't use them right away and they slip my mind.
Hope to see SG Montrealers at the SG burlesque tonight.

Same as my current events post addressed to my Canadian fellows:

Please don't vote Conservative. Please please please!
Stephen Harper and his wrecking crew are really giving me bad nightmares. He basically stands against a lot of social improvements that have been hard to achieve in the last few years.

A few fun facts...
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Hope to see SG Montrealers at the SG burlesque tonight.

Same as my current events post:
Please don't vote Conservative. Please please please!
Stephen Harper and his wrecking crew are really giving me bad nightmares. He basically stands against a lot of social improvements that have been hard to achieve in the last few years.

A few fun facts about the PC crew (Harper...
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I thought "Hey I'll go to bed early tonight and crank out some major productive work tomorrow" tonight. That was 5 hours ago. DAMN YOU INTERNET AND DAMN YOU SG. smile

Hopefully the UPS guy will wake me up EARLY tomorrow morning. It's not quite up there with being waken up by the smooth breath of a pretty girl with a nice smile and devilish eyes,...
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That thought nver works. Ever. A better thought is, "I'll crank out some major productive work tonight and sleep in tomorrow."
Eh, sure you'll go to sleep early and wake up on time-right. I do it all the time too. It's amazing, the capacity I have to fool myself every time, because I actually believe it'll happen, yet it never does. whatever

So yeah, my journal really doesn't mean anything-there's nothing to get-so....you win!!!!....ummm,....nothing. Lucky you.

Heh, yeah, it's kind of disconcerting to see so many mispellings and examples of horrible grammar on the internet, but I always used to assume that it's just people typing too fast and not bothering to correct themselves. Then again, lately in real life I've seen the same thing-so I guess it's just the way of the future. (I can just imagine people hanging out in their futuristic, silver spacesuits, looking very sleek and intelligent-then opening thier mouths and sounding like idiotic junior high kids-ha!)
The monkey does make all the difference.

'marginal intellectual girls'- I like that. I think it describes me-I know about all sorts of things, but didn't go to a university, so I can't back up my arguments. (Wait...maybe that's not exactly a good thing.)


ooo aaa wink
Sorry for not replying in a descent time frame frown
My life got complicated and normal again in the last month and a half eheh
Open Letter to the Management -

Please try to diminish the number of absolutely stunning girls that make it as suicide girls. Bumping people in and out of my 'Fav Suicidegirls' list is becoming increasingly complex.

Thank you,

robot biggrin robot