decided sg was not worth the money i am paying for it. my email and aim name is in my contact info, so contact me via any of those methods if you want to keep in touch.

i hope to stay in contact with the few people i met on here that were interesting.

the end.
my philosophy homework:

The first argument that Michael Martin proposes, that of incoherence is a well thought out and believable argument. Personally, I am inclined to agree with him, because I have seen and thought of these fallacies on my own for quite some time. The Bible contradicts itself numerous times and it is said to be a text that was recorded by prophets straight...
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i find that i am becoming less and less in touch with the rest of humanity and it is beginning to frighten me. i need some grounding soon or i believe that i might just float away.

should be sleeping in an actual bed and have my computer again next week. i will be so glad.
i just found out marge thinks i am a satanist.

i am a pagan, a heathen, a witch, or whatever you prefer, but i am DEFINATELY NOT a satanist.

fuck her. i am glad to know that she talks shit about me behind my back.
You will kick my ass? is that a promise? hmmmmm...

As long as you promise to break out the whips and the chains and the handcuffs...
How goes the homelessness, lovely?
You are the most special ice cream dish I have the pleasure of knowing. Hee..I said "Pleasure."
being homeless is fun sometimes. marge does not understand that i am a survivor, no matter what fucked up shit she tries to do for her goal of seeing me fail. i am actually happier sleeping on my friend's couch then dealing with the trepedation of living with a psycho.

having fun, meeting new people, being hit on at parties and during classes. looks like...
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as of tomorrow i am homeless for two weeks. i have no idea when i will be able to use computers. i have no idea when i will be able to update my journal. i have no idea when i will be able to contact anyone.

the whore that spawned me is a wicked bitch and i am sick of forgiving her for ditching me...
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sometimes the fates just have a way of pushing you that leaves nothing to guessing. it was still raining when i departed the bus depot, so i went to the book store that is near it. i ended up buying a couple of spellbooks and afterwards, the rain was gone! i love life.

my notes from my first day of english class are a perfect...
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hurray for parties! girls gave me digits and wanted to talk with me. i feel loved again. i felt so shitty, but my ego is restored.

time to celebrate with a whiskey sour and a couple soft pretzels. =)

showering and shaving after a week of not, because of camping is fucking terrific!

if you spotted me at a party would you introduce yourself to...
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I would walk right up to you, grab you, give you a BIG kiss, and give you my number.
*passes you whiskey* lets go drinkin and celebrate biggrin
camping was great.
being away from my rents was great.
being away from life was great.

this was not great:

third phrase my mom said to me after returning, "when are you planning on doing those dishes?"
"i only ask because blah blah blah..."
"fine, i will place them in a bag or something and set them off to the side."
bang (door shutting...
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did i respond? i don't think so. i don't get here much these days.

i'm studying graphics and the like(mostly print related stuff) at dunwoody.
it's not the greatest for what i'm wanting to do, but i get use of lots of expensive gear to use for my own projects.

Wee welcome back, why'd I get a friends request? I thought you were on it already?
going camping from the twentyninth to the fourth. i will be missing in action for those days. until i return leave me many comments and let me know i am missed. =)

take care everyone.
When are you going to come visit me?
*digs up for change* Here's 5.87, I want to buy you.
ooo.... can I come?

I love camping!!