My lady and I have been together for 11 years now. We have had am open relationship for maybe 4 of these years. We are as happy as ever and have really worked out all of our bullshit. Its nice to have a partner in crime that knows pretty much everything you do before you do it.

I have come to realize recently that I...
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Its been one of those weeks so far. I feel like I need to vent but I don't know what to say. I just feel..... Disconnected. I sound like one of those shitty TV dramas. I'm pretty sure I will get over it. I usually do. No one reads this anyway so I can be a cry baby all I want. :-)
wellllll i read it hun.
it's good to vent sometimes smile i rant in blogs all the time haha so dont worry xxxxx
You are awesome. Thanks smile
2013. Obligatory blog. I hope it goes well. Is it bad that I have no real plans? I guess we will see where it goes. Happy new year!