i am thirty today. i got up early - didn't want to sleep through it. seven year lunar cycle, three decades. new starts. can see lines near my eyes. i like them.

i am a badass.
i am growing older.
happy b day dude!!!
Happy Birfday! Im a Nov 17th baby myself. oink

new camera. learned how to resize pics. only took 2 weeks. i am smart.
had a coupla kids run last night. given one minute they bolted through the woods. we didn't catch them but they were in a for a rainy night. one's a new kid with a history of arson and a sex offense. the other is a little 12 yr old who's been doing great. he ran sunday also. when we got him back he said we...
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restrained a kid at work today. a big, corn-fed 14 yr old. he was flopping around on the ground. when we reached down to pick him up i saw something flying and i moved in time to have a size 13 boot graze the side of my head. he's a new kid with a history of arson and acting out sexually with dogs. i'm sure...
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i work at a therapeutic wilderness camp for at risk teen boys. day off, just left the gym and had my shake, listening to a cd i made my moms for christmas. it's chilly in here.

will anyone read this?
i saw an old friend today. he met a guy on the bus who looks like george costanza and turned out to be a bipolar, obsessive, recovering needle junkie, alcoholic, recently released from prison, nut. ahhh, austin's capital metro system.

my friend has aids - he contracted it at a bath house type establishment. he is in love with a man who won't return the feelings.

i gots to go to the gym. it's cut-offs and half-shirt time. i'm joking...or am i?
im sorry about your friend, i hope he finds the love he needs...