Another day, another dollar
Well, at least the day part is accurate.

Mights wanna skip to 1:36 mark as the video is old and they talk about George Bush and the war in Iraq starting.


SPOILERS! (Click to view)
I never thought this could be me
I guess you never do, 'til it's happening to you
like all the fun turns into shame
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Will I ever be satisfied?
That seems to be the way everything is going in my life. I don't really know what it is.
I had my date last night, went well, she was really cool, had a great sense of humour and really made me laugh (a rarity, I find few girls that make me genuinely laugh). I just feel lately like nobody is...
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I'll give u a hugsmile
I think the issue unfortunately lies much deeper than her. I have so many things going through my head right now that I can't even answer those questions.

I appreciate the advise though, I really do need to try to cut to the heart of things and not over think everything. That is my downfall though, I over think and over analyze everything in my life.

A hug I can always process though, hard to over think that smile
Hmmm, what to write about today.....

Just sitting around watching Return of the Jedi, getting my nerd on. I really need some money so I can get this Boba Fett tattoo finished, I also need someone to take a pic of it for me so I can show it off. Fett himself is all done and healed, just need to get the background done.

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Nerd power go! Good luck on your date.
Well today certainly finds me in better spirits. I've been working on my stand up routine. I think I'm about ready to take my act to the stage, I'm certainly funny looking enough, just need to see if my words can match. If that fails I'll just let the audience look at me for 10 minutes.

Also starting to work more on my YouTube show,...
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Today I am seriously feeling bummed. Just one of those days. Everything sucks. I need a hug.
Hope u feel better!!!
I do actually, thank you all for helping out, the vids and kind words definitely brought a smile to my face and some warmth to my heart. It's nice to know people care. I'm sending telekinetic hugs to all 3 of you, hope you feel them tongue (ya, i'm lame I know, i'm just in a big ol' emotional mood)

Well my camera crapped out on me (I wanted a new one anyway) so I've had to hold off on taping Show The Derek. It's too bad because last night would have been a good one. Just out at the bar with friends for a birthday, but good times were had and some funny situations occurred.

Chrysis made another appearance in my dreams last night...
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Show The Derek - Halifsode

I still want more ideas of what I can do with the show. This was made before I actually had the show in mind. Just was doing a day of snowboarding filming but thought it was a good test run of the show.

Also any of the SG or members that wanna be a part let me know, always down...
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Lmfao. Steak & eggs.

This is my favorite new show, no joke. ;D
you are too kind blush
So I've decided I should have a TV show. I don't have any specific talent, I'm moderately funny, cute if you're drunk and have no real insight to offer the world, but if those 'tards from The Jersey Shore can have a show, I'm sure there are people willing to watch my ass do anything. Now, I'm not exactly sure the premise for the show....
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maybe your first few episodes is you trying to figure out what your show should be able, so just walk aorund and interview people and ask for their ideas and then do something epic at the end and go from there??

good luck!
That is a good idea. Like a "birth of a show" episode. I shall have to try that.
Had a great ego boost today. I had to do a workshop for school. I am studying law and security administration and working towards a criminology degree. I had to teach my classmates about something was basically the assignment. I did jiu jitsu and self defense. I got 106% percent on it which is awesome. My professor is a former police officer too and was...
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For anybody in the Toronto area tonight.

There is a live comedy event at 8pm at the Black Swan Tavern, 154 Danforth Ave (@Broadview Station) come on out.

Cover is, I believe, $5. I was informed there will be cheap beer as well

sounds like a good time. too bad im not in the area at all haha