This is what passes as exotic at casa mfb: onion gnocchi with carrot sauce. I didn't trust the carrot sauce. My only experience with anything like a carrot sauce was this ginger carrot soup someone made. It wasn't really my favorite--very sweet. This turned out to be really good, though.

So, gnocchi is pretty simple. Dice two potatoes, boil until soft. Dice half an onion...
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Gnocchi sound really good. Never heard that bit about the baking soda before. I'll have to try that. I too am skeptical about the carrot sauce. Not my favorite veggi. But those gnocchi could work with any sauce really.smile
God damn. So, seriously: this is not a habit. My dinnering habits are usually pretty standard. But not today.

Today, my room mate did a favor for someone and in return received a box of fresh spaghetti noodles. Like, freshly-made, by the guy who provides all of Pittsburgh's high-class Italian joints with their pasta. This here is correct pasta.

To top it I made a...
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I wish all recipies were written like this. I am going to have to try this.
Sounds good. Never made a sauce for pasta before, but now I'm tempted.
You make me love you. It hurts.
Saurkraut, the building block of life.
Another night spent putting far too much work into what is essentially junk food.

You know those little mini-hotdog rolls? I'm not a fan of hot dogs, but those things are fucking delicious. For my version I used kielbasa, cut an inch long or so, and wrapped them, along with a small strip of bacon each, in dough that had been boiled in baking soda...
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I appreciate that. And for what it's worth, I never felt like you were treating our position as anything less than fair. I don't know that I even hold the position I was defending; the context of the thread was just enough to make me was to talk about it - and that side seemed to be underrepresented. Imagine my surprise when I learned that most everyone else wasn't actually interested in having a discussion. Thanks for engaging.
There was another game - never translated out of Polish yet, sadly - that I wanted to pick up so very badly. All the players are ambulance drivers. Whoever delivers the most patients to the hospital wins. But you can get the patients any way: you can run over people in the street and then load them aboard. You can sneak them out of other players ambulances...

Your junk food culinary orgy sounds excellent. Color me envious of your carbtastic feast.
Tonight is White Trash Night at la casa de mfb.

My parents never let me have all the amazing food that everybody else got, growing up. They were all "healthy this" and "vegetables that". To spite them, I make appallingly unhealthy things like caramel applesauce pie (which is fucking amazing). You can tell it's not my natural mode of food preparation, though, because I get...
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Convince me to read all the Black Company books without spoilers. I'm afraid to read the thread in the Fantasy group.

I love A Song Of Ice and Fire. Had problems with Prince Of Nothing.
Thanks. I'll read them.
It'd be nice to have a brain that didn't, five days out of seven, decide "Yeaahhhh you're going to feel crappy today for basically no reason at all." At least mix it up a little, make me inappropriately happy one day out of the week.
The secret ti ianppropriately happy is t smile even if you don't feel like it and singing on the street smile
I've made a habit out of it and now I'm the weird happy chick wherever I go. It's a nice feeling wink
I take it that you didn't bleed out. I guess I won't be getting your shit. see your last blog for my compassion
So, wow. This happened two days ago and I still feel grossed out and embarrassed.

I'm at the bank, doing my bank thing, waiting for the teller to process my deposit. My arm itches, so I reach over and scratch it--and a chunk comes off on my finger. Startled, I panic and try to furtively flick it away. All of this happens right in front...
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I agree with Brubaker, that sounds like a LOT of blood loss. Are you ok?
If you have died can I have your stuff?
When my sister was in... middle school, I guess, she decided to try combining tree climbing and football catching. Soon thereafter, mom had to take her to the hospital to set her broken--not fractured, I'm talking s-shaped--arm.

My sister is a mother herself, now. The apple has not fallen far from the tree laterally, but it appears to have fallen about the same distance vertically.

Do you have any good sources on hand discussing the increase of spree/rampage killings versus the drop in overall murders? I could only find one thing about it, and it was pretty inconclusive. The point has come up elsewhere and I'd like to educate myself.
That's the same one I found. It supports, but I'd have to call it inconclusive overall. I was really hoping for a metastudy or something.

My gut says you're right, but my brain isn't sure it's enough of an established trend to call it a trend.
Edit: that particular, um, witticism is probably best reserved for closer acquaintances.

Sooo... Sandy is still not the easiest person to deal with. I went to see her because, y'know, one year anniversary and all, and I got mobbed by helpful Rotary Club-types wanting me to take a carnation. I kept trying to explain that I wasn't there to visit my mom, but it just...
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I feel like I'm banging my head against a brick wall in that thread biggrin I should probably just get out of it... but I can't!
Thank you! So sweet!!
I am glad you like both! wink
Yeah, spiked eggnog. Jesus. In my defense, I bought it in like March. They're still selling it at the state liquor shops I deliver to once a week--regular, pumpkin, and chocolate varieties. They started selling it before last Thanksgiving so far as I'm aware, so I managed to resist buying any for six months. And I managed to resist drinking more than a glass a...
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Eggnog... not just for Christmas anymore.biggrin