Swapping out an old video card for a shiny new one, I remarked that the old one's connection ports are situated such that one must make a blood sacrifice in order to connect the damn thing to the motherboard. This stands to reason, because blood is red, and red is faster. It overclocks the GPU with the user's precious life essence.

I have been coding...
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Go another two or three more days with little or no sleep and the song "I'm A Little Tea Pot" is the funnest thing in the world. I know I have been there. (Go through the motions when signing too it adds to the fun.)
Happy New Year!!! smile smile smile
The world we are born in is not the world we see. The world we die in is the world we deserve.
wow love that!! smilesmile
Don't love it but I agree with it
Heaven produces myriads of things to nourish man;
Man never does one good thing to recompense Heaven.
Kill! Kill! Kill! Kill! Kill! Kill! Kill!

--Barry Hughart
I hadn't heard of Barry Hughart. My first thought was he sounds like a glass half empty kind of guy, but I googled him instead. Glad I did: I just bought the Kindle edition of The Chronicles of Master Li and Number Ten Ox. Thanks.
Thanks for the love on Raw sugar!
Everybody's got one; here's mine. Might have posted this before, don't feel like digging to find out or to figure out which details have changed in my memory.

We were at MPRC, which is a big, permanent field site, exercises at which were almost like a vacation (at least for HHQ), especially in comparison with the usual tent-and-MRE crap. It had barracks with bunks to...
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Fable has strong shoulders that can carry far more truth than fact can.

Some of what I write has no more connection to my experiences than the fact that I'm writing it. The story I'm working on now is more or less a transcription of events, couched in enough imaginary stuff that I'm able to get it out cleanly. That's a lot of why I...
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Hahaha. Too fucking true. Apparently I can't be melodramatic on my blog without receiving a bunch of 'there-there-it's-gonna-be-ok's. Guess it was always going to happen. Haha. Can't anyone appreciate a good rant anymore?

Here's an answer to the question then that you probably don't care about anymore: I say, tell it how it really happened. Expose the failure, but don't relate all the shame you felt because all those feelings don't represent an objective reality anyway. Let the imaginary reader interpret the scenario. As for the others, show their lowest moments, but in light of the people they have previously shown themselves to be.

Well that's what I reckon. And yes, I'll be quiet now if you want. tongue
I saw you read that new Punisher book. Did you pick up,the new issue? Its just like the first. Frank doesn't say a word. Rucka paints the bride as a survivor of the massacre so shes similar to Frank.
Swearing off reading the news for the next while.
Because it is all bad or the problems are self made or that people are stupid and we should turn the earth over to more deserving lifeforms like earthworms and rats?
Agreed, I can barely watch even the Daily Show lately without getting depressed.
Jesus christ. Started the p90x program today. Hopped in the shower afterwards and had trouble raising my arms high enough to wash my hair.

Really, though, I'm doing po' 90x. No pullup bars, no weights, no mat, not even a chair. I've got a set of bands with a torn handle, a towel, and not quite enough room on the floor to stretch out all...
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I'd love to try the p90x one day. Can't do anything too intense with my healing injury right now.

How's it going? biggrin
I never tried it, but sounds like a winner! Good luck! biggrin
I've spent the past week trying to fix the phone wiring in this office building that serves a hydrofracking company. Note that phone wiring is not really a thing I have any training in. The place has two separate phone demarcs, for some reason, and the wiring infrastructure is split between them. Half the phone jacks are hidden behind heavy, cheap furniture, so I can't...
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Well, that was a bummer of a post to check out on. I'll note that anger is one of the commonly-accepted stages of grief and leave it at that.

I'm back, apparently. SG made me a reup offer I couldn't refuse--put it this way, if I have a complaint about the site at any point over the next year, I won't be able to assert...
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Oh good, I can go back to not posting in CE. I kept reading threads and saying, "The rationalist point of view is... not missing, exactly, but lacking. I guess I should post something." That explains it.
What I'm tired of today is movies about terminal patients who are so brave and clever, rather than being petty and bitchy and stupid because the combination of pain, meds, and not a little bit of fear is more than they can handle.

One thing I learned, though, is that people who are dying of CF suck at thumb wrestling. I won like five times...
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Death is not dignified the one dying can be dignified.

Sorry about your acquaintance.

Edit: Pay for another year of membership.