Well, whaddya know, I'm back on. I wasn't exactly planning on rejoining any time soon, but when someone buys you 3 months, well, no way in hell you turn that down. Thank you, whoever you are! wink

In my year absence, not a whole lot has changed in my life. Stuck in Knoxville, same old desk job (yeah, yeah, I know I'm fortunate to have one...
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Well, the Vols lost their first game in laughable fashion. Not that I care too much, but Knoxville is going to be rather pissy over the next three months.
Happy Hallmark-sponsored Celebration of a Possibly Mythicized Roman Outlaw Day, everyone.
Nothing makes me say "Bah-humbug" during Christmas quite like the movie "It's a Wonderful Life." How overrated it is, how overexposed it gets on television, and mostly how I'm supposedly a heartless monster for seeing right through its charade and calling it for what it really is.

Anything that is so naive as to tell me to give up my dreams just to make other...
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