Just got out of an unplanned (and unwanted) 10 day trip to the local mental hospital... Very glad to be back in the world.
Sorry sorry it took a bit to reply... Basically I was feeling downish, but my mother seemed to think I was about to kill myself because she called the cops to interrupt my morning joint session so I ran through the woods until the briars made it impassable and then realized I was actually a bit crazy to be running through the woods and all so I came out, surrendered, and was certified suicidal by a Dr. in Kent... Then 10 days in Butler... Not a fun time in there so much, as compared to others. When I go there it's usually because I know I need it and send myself there, this time it was forced and it bummed me out...
Ooooh wait... isn't an MRI like a fucking Magnet? Metal in there must not have been comfortable during that procedure!~?blackeyed
Ack... this week I had to bury my kitty Lucy, who had cancer and had too be put down... What a bummer, I was thinking to myself... two days later my 17 year old kitty Tootsie passed from old age and I had to bury her too, right next to Lucy... I'm very blessed to still have my cat Brady to keep me company but...
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Awww. frown I am so sorry to hear this. *hugs*
I have a little more time to surf around the site today and I'm happy happy... When I was here before I didn't do too much conversing with people outside my friends list but now I'm jumping in and I'm going to participate more and gain the honor of new friends! It's too bad some of the people I knew are gone but soon I'll...
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I'm Back to SG after a year or more, what a boring year it was!!!

Very happy to be back, hope to see some old friends and meet some new, drop me a line!
Welcome back! smile
I made a New Years resolution to quit smoking cigarettes, and I'm doing very good! I've had a maximum of two a day and some days I've had none at all... It's not so bad, other than wanting to strangle people when I wake up and have no smokes...

What kind of resolutions did you make? Having any success so far?

I also made another...
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Proud of you Jimmy.....I am weak and the Phillip Morris owns me puke puke
Jimmy I need you more than ever and I a=called Vals and heard the shit mang......What the fuck????? I love you and so does pretty much everyone u know.... please come back I NEED you Bad
frown frown frown frown frown frown frown frown frown frown puke puke puke puke puke puke puke puke puke puke puke puke puke puke puke puke puke