Today we had the sonogram.

Wanna know what we're having?

We're very excited! biggrinbiggrinbiggrinbiggrinbiggrinbiggrinbiggrinbiggrinARRR!!!

We got to hear the baby's heartbeat again today. For those who believe in such things, the heartbeat was in the range for girls. Don't know if that actually works or not, but some people swear by it.

We have an appointment next week for the sonogram. Gonna find out the baby's gender if we can. Wish us luck and start taking bets.

Love and...
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My last night with the kids. We celebrated by going to Chuck E Cheese, which proceeds to catch fire.

Go figure.
Friday is my 28th Birfday! smile
So I've decided that this year for my birthday(July 24), I'm going to do what I've planned to do since my 18th b-day; I'm going to legally change my name. This plan falls through every year due to a lack of funds so this year I am starting the "Monk Stewart legal name change" fund.

Any donation would be appreciated. My goal is to legally...
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I'm just happy because I get to be a father on Father's Day. Watchin' Futurama with the kids. smile
It has become evident that the 10,000 member strong FBI Agents Association has now kicked in against Leonard and are making calls to the President just as we are . There are 10,000 of them ... and they are dedicated to keeping Leonard in prison . They will call continually .

We must kick up our efforts big time to counter this attack against the...
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Guess what? I gots the internet in my house again!

I'll be able to keep up with everybody again.

My kids are gonna be here for the whole summer after the first week of June.

Camille and I are engaged.

I'm currently sorting through a bunch of boxes full of my old stuff my mom dug out of her garage and staying out of the...
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after i get all my crap moved in ill take lots of pics!
congrats! biggrin
Long time, no anything.

I've been without internet in my house for 2 months now. Finally kicked my jobless room mate Q out back in March. He had lived with me for 7 months, 5 of which were rent-free. And somehow, that makes ME the bad guy in his eyes. He's been a major cunt about the whole deal, trying to poison the hearts of...
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I love my girlfriend.

Soon, she will be moving in with me.

That's all for now.

hehehe, thats all you're gona say about your lady?? Hehe! I'm intrigued and very excited for you!! biggrin I did you more doodles at the weekend, Ems scanner is still brokered, so i'll nip to the copy place at the weekend and get them scanned over to you my dear smile They are pretty cool if I do say so myself hehe wink xXx