So there I was, sitting in my comfortable chair. I was perusing the selection of stuff to watch and there I found it.

Now let me begin with a disclaimer. I haven't had cable or tv for probably about 8 years now. I just never have time to plan to watch shows and what not, so everything I watch is on Netflix, Hulu, or Vudu.
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This is my hubs favorite show.   He LOVES it.    I've only seen the first season.  So I'm way behind.   Beautiful ladies !!!!    
Omg I'm so hooked already after 1 episode lmao I was like yelling to myself in my apartment lmao 

Got to see the very last show on the tour and the last show ever of Black Sabbath!! Ozzy fuckin killed it!!!

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So I'm sitting here in class perusing the many pictures of all of the beautiful ladies here.😁😉

Learning about turbos is kinda bland. Lmao

I know all you ladies are as smart as you are beautiful so do any of you lovely ladies go to school? What are you taking? Or if you want to go to school what do you want to learn? Or...
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I'm a chef now :) haha  so nope.  Never gonna use it.  
Haha well that's cool too! Good food is a neccesity! I wanted to be a chef when I graduated high school but I never ended up going to school haha

Just thought ide share some pics of some of my stuff I have painted!! Does anyone play? Or what tabletop/card games does everyone like to play???

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I hope nobody minds my ramblings. I feel like everyone here is so gracious and accepting and I cherish that. Please feel free to give feedback or participate at will! I would love to hear everyones thoughts!

"Make not your thoughts your prisons."

- William Shakespeare

So I have horrible insomnia and I know I'm not alone In this. I've seen a lot, done a...
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"To be yourself in a world that is constantly trying to make you something else is the greatest accomplishment."
- Ralph Waldo Emerson

Sit and think. What do you give up on about yourself on a daily basis to make it in this world today? I've witnessed many people, even myself, let go of something that was me because the world and people are so...
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I friggin love these girls. Confidence, is a huge factor for me. These ladies have every bit of it from the models to the hopefulls, to the girls that just post to the sight. They've got pride in themselves and I am overjoyed to see it. Beautiful, breathtaking, gorgeous, all the positive adjectives you can think of. I for one am honored they share with...
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