Someone in my company thought it would be a great idea to schedule a teleconference with our Marine Corps clients at 8:00 a.m. tomorrow morning. So I have to be there extra early. Yay.

And yet, here I am still awake.

Why is it that I dread going to bed every night?

The days just go by too quickly. whatever
When you sleep you always think your going to miss out on something
Oh man I love your taste in music!! love
Today is me and my girlfriend's four-year anniversery.

How wild is that? So much has happened in that time, it seems like it should be so much longer.

We had some cheese and wine earlier, so I'm kind of buzzy right now. confused

Did I mention before that I'm going to move to Portland, OR? We just spent a few days there and have fallen in...
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Heeey... I haven't posted on here since December.

I'm still here. Just many distractions.

I think I'm going to be moving to Portland. shocked
There's lots of naked Jayde in PSW. I can think of four sets right off the top of my head. Wait, five. Death Becomes Her, Happy St. Patrick's Day, Red Boa, Home From Work, and 80s Chick. So yeah, I just need to get a real photographer so I can go pink already...and get paid for my nudity! wink
I've posted this everywhere else, might as well put it here too.


Monster's Underground is a new podcast show featuring the best in Florida's underground music.

The show is into its third week and already has gotten hundreds of hits and over one hundred regular subscribers. The listener feedback has been great! Give it a listen, you might find something you like! Bands featured...
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I don't think I'll ever get relationships. I often wonder why I end up in them, because I'm really not very good at them.

Ah well...

Work is annoying the hell out of me. I'm really beginning to believe that the people I work for might be a bit mad.

That's mad as in crazy.

well you should suggest a thorazine/hohos machine next to the coffee machine so everyone can be tolerable.relationships can drive to stepping close to insanities clouded windows of clarity or at least throw a hunk of dooky through it
Couldn't hurt. I knew some growing up, friends of the old man. Martin had lots of them. Went to highschool at Winter Park(couple years anyway). Anyway I thought you were cute and interesting, just thought I'd break the ice....
Wow, so when you rejoin all of your profile and stuff is still here... cool. Can't believe people still have me on their friends list...

hi nice to meet you

mad ARRR!!! love
it was me this week

mad ARRR!!! love
Hi kids...

I'm not dead or anything... Just loosing track of everything. Did I ever mention my raging case of ADD? Yeah.

I have a cold and it really sucks.

Hey, Mnislahi has a new set up guys. Go check it out. She's beautiful!

Pink is my favorite hair color. I wish I could have pink hair...

I find it hard to concentrate on what you're saying.


"been there done that"
Damn, good to see that you are still around.

Maybe we can get an update more than once every 3 months smile

Anyway hope to see you back on here soon, and hook us up with some more pictures of your sexy ass
Wow... LiveJournal is DEAD! That's pretty f'd up. Now I have only my SG Journal with which to share my life...

I went to see the Series of Unfortunate Events movie. I'm afraid I must say that is mostly sucks. Visually its nice, but otherwise... eh. For one thing, they basically took the stories from the first three books, tore them all to pieces, and...
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hey, me and my girl are thinking about coming to orlando for the week of the fourth. any recommendations on lodging, entertainment, food, etc.... maybe if you're up to it you could be our tour guide.
Look. It's April! Some of the snow is melting!