What a strange trip it has been...

It appears that I have an unknown benefactor who has decided to generously give me a free spat of time on here.

To my benevolent mystery individual, my thanks.
I've definitely faced a lot of changes in my life the past... hrmm three or so years?
I might regale some tales in here off and on, if so...
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With a heavy heart and a low account balance I must begin to cut myself off from many a thing...

For now I will have to bid adieu to SG.frown

It's been fun and I did enjoy perusing through everyone's life.

Take care all,

and as always...

Take it easy. wink
are you leaving SG??? *sob*
Giving up stuff isn't fun ... at least I'll see ya elsewhere. Best wishes.

[Edited on Nov 03, 2005 8:16AM]

[Edited on Nov 04, 2005 9:47PM]
3 exams next week, but I don't care because I have saturday off!

La-lalalala biggrin

*dances into the sunset*

Bills are paid==I'm flat broke again. But hey at least I don't have to worry about bus money (go college pass).

I'm really starting to get the hang of this calc 3 stuff. I might not be a complete idiot after all wink

Now for studying and food!...
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So I did end up getting that saturday off so life was good.

the physics exam was brutal in the end. but I did end up being on the higher end of the spectrum (sad when thats a 73 isn't it?)

did pretty good in calc 3 (1 point away from a B DAMN YOU!!!)

Chem is, and always will be for this semester, laughably...
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(I know I should have replied ages ago but...)

yay! so you don't think my website looks like shit? most computer people said it wasn't very good frown

how have you been?
first exam has been officially slain.

this weekend could be promising. I just need to get saturday off... I really wish my manager would figure out that when I say I want saturday off... I'm not shitting about wanting saturday off.

at least he gave me Friday off (WTF? whatever )

right. well back to video games.

Take it easy,
MogMagus wink

ps. When the hell is...
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damn where does the time go?

Not much really going on. first exams are coming up soon. bleck. not looking forward to those.

My Tuesday night lab is completely lame and a waste of my time, but hey it gets me the 1 credit I need for that 12 credit semester. rock on.

well time to be lazy for a couple of hours.

Take it...
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Well the semester seems to be going well

I've memorized my little section of campus that I go to for my classes and all seems to be going ok for getting there on time.

the only thing I need to adjust to is waking up at 6am instead of the old 10am... puke

Life still seems to be on the upswing.

Take it easy all and...
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Wow... I actually have a 12 credit semester for once...

Usually I end up getting shafted with something like 13-15. or even better the suicidal 18.

I think the ol' luck is back on the upswing. current analysis: Summer drains my luck with its blasted heat.

Life's going fairly well on all fronts. Today I pay bills... uuurgh. but at least for once I'm not...
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Otakon is over. Went as Shigure from Fruits Basket

Will report more later. Very tired now. Going to collapse...

Take it easy all,
MogMagus wink
So as per my norm I'll be attending otakon this year.


however... I'm not sure who I'll be cosplaying as...

It's a tough call. I have a few things on hand to be my 'fall back' options.

It'd help if I didn't have to work...every day..until next thursday, oh well. Money will be good.

Anyways--- still no word yet on whether or not I'm...
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