On Tuesday, January 26th this world lost a funny man- my grandfather. We had a complicated relationship. We shared a lot of smart ass jokes.

He also didn't know me in my true self. He didn't know that I am a Queer, Polyamorous, Stoner girl. He doesnt know that I live with the two loves of my life- my boyfriend and girlfriend. I had to
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Sweet and touching tribute. I am sure he is proud

I have been wrapped in pearls and lace, laid naked in wet sand, and walked barefoot in the forest. I'm willing to do a photo shoot under almost any conditions if it's in the name of art. My favorite forms of art are when I can open up my many layers and reveal a new piece of myself that maybe no one has experienced yet.
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Does anyone have advise for a scared cat princess going through a wisdom tooth extraction?

Tomorrow I will be having all four removed plus one impacted tooth. I have never had any form of surgery before. I have a terrible phobia of anesthesia. I don't even know why. I'm just certain that when they put me to sleep I will never wake up. *sigh* Can
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Hope you're recovering well. I recall the first thing I had was hamburger helper I had just made the night before thrown in the blender lol.
@lord_renob I have been mainly living on yogurt and mashed potatoes. Hahah! 

I'm excited to be a new Hopeful with full access to the site finally, which of course means blogging!

I am both excited for this upcoming week and absolutely dreading it. On the fun side, my mom will be flying in tomorrow to spend a week with me. I don't get to see my parents often since moving 1,5000 miles away from them. So this
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welcome to SG and I hope you have a grand time here. It is a great community and it is full of support. I hope your wisdom teeth get extracted without much trouble 
@littlejohn22 Thank you so much for the warm welcome. I'm finding nothing but radical love and fun vibes around here. I love it. Crossed fingers that my wisdom tooth extraction goes as smooth as possible and I don't end up the next viral video of ridiculousness all loopy after surgery hahaha