The great new is I'm having headaches whenever I don't exercise.
The bad news is I have a headache whenever I don't exercise.

It's good cause it means that my body likes it and complains when it doesn't happen. It's bad cause sometimes, like yesterday I had 2 really good reasons not to go for my run:
1- hubby is sick - I like to...
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Sorry about the headaches. Hope you and your man start feeling better.
The Starbucks Pumk'n spice latte is one of the great pleasures on Earth. I have yet to have one this Fall because I know as soon as I do I will be addicted.
BTW you have cute bed head.
heyhey, yeah I can post to the states, of course! biggrin
I started running again about a month ago and I can already tell the results. I feel a lot more energetic and I can almost fit in the dress I want to wear for a friend's wedding coming up next saturday. *fingers crossed* I'm not sure how many miles I've been walking/running but it seems like it's working. And eating a lot less as well....
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I missed my morning walk three days in a roll.
Saturday: Nick turned down the volume on my cell phone so I couldn't hear it ring.
Sunday: I forgot to turn it back up, so I couldn't hear it again.
Monday: On Sunday I made a big mistake and it affected my sleep really badly. I woke uo several times and the last time was...
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well, you look perfectly fabulous to me!!

Got my nails done!!!

Cut half of my hair. well... that needs some explaining..

I just cut a few inches off the front part of my hair - where I can see. Nick will have to do the rest.. My poor hair was so messed up....

Ppl are in our room - I love the visit - but they're watching some creepy documentary about the...
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honestly, the pain is not that bad. It's definitely bearable. When I talked to Bob she said she didn't even use the meds they gave her, she just used Ibuprofen. I haven't been using the meds constantly, mostly only before I go to bed (and the only reason then is to help me fall asleep) and maybe in the morning if the pain is bad. Honestly, the first morning was the worst and it hasn't been anywhere near that bad since. Of course it affects everyone differently, but overall, I'd say my recovery has been pretty easy.
I was originally going to go through the armpits but my doctor said that is the most painful recovery and that I couldn't shave my armpits for 2 weeks which I was NOT ok with. Haha. So I chose to go thru the nipple and it's been good so far. Goodluck when you decide to do it!
Life has been awesome in many ways, BUT, getting used to new weather/altitude is a bitch... Sinuses infection for the past 2 weeks... it sucks!

but we're home and we're happy and we're getting our life back together trying to get everything ready for the end of the year when some friends are supposed to come visit.

I wonder how's life treating you my SG...
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totally dreadful isnt it?

And they take my pictures down because I painted a nipple!

DOWN with photobucket. Using flickr for image hosting from now on smile
There's no place like home. biggrin
Isn't that the truth.

How are you doing?
Damn. I have 2 weeks till I go to my iterview.

Have to organize all paperwork and all portifolios. Have to pack to go to Rio AND pack to go back home a week after - hopefully everythng will work out perfect.
Last night we went to June party at a college near my house. Got there around 11pm and left after 4am. under a...
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This week has been really busy. Doctor's app for me, gathering images and documents and everything needed to get Nick and I back home in LA.

Nick's been working a bunch which is good cause it means MONEY.
We have our ticket to go to Rio for a week or 2 and have some fun there. I'm excited to see my godmothers and cousins that...
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woohooo!!!! Yeah, just keep in touch with me, lady; would love to hang when you get here biggrin
I will be home in July, so SG friends, prepare for the best one week party you've ever been to!
Haha she is so funny!!! She loves to socialize.
Nice. Can't wait.