I'm a beast!!!

I'm home for a week!

Had great food yesterday.

We're going to an adult club on Thurday...oh yeah!

There's money in the bank.

My son is hilarious...just like his father.

Our catering business is gaining some serious steam.

I'm getting closer to getting my new camera.

Life is good!
Back in Bufflalo after a 13hr drive...dammit man!

Kind a wish I was back in Chicago already...it's way more snow here and no one to keep me company other than lame co-workers. Oh well, I'll eventually make my way back, until then I'll enjoy B-Lo for what it's worth. I can't wait to go back to this killer sushi spot over in the Elmwood area...the...
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Goddamnitmutherfuckin Buffalo, I wanted Thai!
your job sucks major ass
Get back to Chicago Now!!!, Bring Saph, hurry the hell up while you're at it we need to go and see the body exhibit at the MOSI.

I hate work!!


PENIS!! smile
I had the best time this past Saturday with a fellow SG member...we had some good sushi, great convo and an eye full at the local entertainment establishment...oh the things my eyes witnessed. Not that I'm a prude or anything, it's just that it been a while since I've seen ass like that that wasn't my wife's...she still wins in my book! This fellow SG...
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Do not tease me... Octupus does rock!!! biggrin biggrin
I'm tryin not to, but hittin that gym got a sista feeling a little sexylicious!!! biggrin
Ever been to a SuperBowl party where everyone is 75 years+ old??? Well I have! It's the lamest and coolest thing ever...it's painfully entertaining! Old women care nothing about the SuperBowl...and it's not because they're women, it's because they're old...really old!

All in all, I got to see the game and Prince give THE best halftime performance ever!
Tell the wifey that I miss her.... blush
Please Please hook a brotha up! I really want to see Chicago in Chicago (Bears that is...not the stage play). It's a confluence of events, I'm working outside of Chicago and the Bears are in the Superbowl aka tha SoulBowl this weekend...perfect timing if you ask me. And really I'm not even a Bears fan, but I am rooting for them I just wanna be...
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I'll keep you updated....
I'm finally getting the hell out of Buffalo...man this place is depressing! I'll be taking a trip back to the house in Dallas for 5 days then it's out to Chicago...or right outside of Chicago. Can't wait to meet up with Ixi so she can show me the sites and sounds of the GO...should be plenty of fun.

Bags packed and ready to go, flight...
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YAY!!!! we get to go and munch on sushi and then see the sites smile biggrin smile
fun, fun, fun then when Saph gets here it will be FUN, FUN, FUN smile
I went to Toronto yesterday for a day trip and I really enjoyed myself. Canada is a very interesting place, lots of people, more than what I expected...very diverse to say the least. I wanted to spend the night but I didn't really plan out the whole trip so that would have cost me more than I wanted to spend this weekend, I'll save that...
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and we miss you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! kiss love
Glad you had a kick ass time.. The pics are great!!!!
There's plenty on my mind but I have nothing to say...

I'm really focused...

I need some ass...

That's about it...

you would get some if you BRING ME THE KIDDO!! smile biggrin smile
yeah I said floppy disc, what should I have said confused .
I'll come get you man dont make me blackeyed tongue biggrin
I really need some ass right about now...shit's getting really bad out here in Buffalo.

The Simpson's are the best...I haven't seen them in such a long time.

Go see "Children of Men"!!!

That's all.
I'll baby sit, you tell wifey to fly out and give it to ya good!
me and the kiddo will stuff ourselfs with cookies, and ice cream.
we will eat no veggies.
and say fuck yeah to chocolate milk, and sugar lumps smile

*chop, chop* I'm waiting!!
I'm waiting hurry up and get him here the cookies are getting cold.
My body still hasn't fully adjusted to the eastern time zone...it's after midnight and I'm still awake as if I don't have to get up at 5am for work...damn!

On a sad note, my Irish got their asses handed to them tonight by LSU...I knew it was going to happen, too much speed for the my boys...oh well there's always next year.

Hopefully I'll be...
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HAHAHA I bet you do tongue
Good for you about your workout.
Random thoughts are cool