Napoleon: "I see you're drinking one percent. Is that 'cause you think you're fat? 'Cause you're not. You could be drinking whole if you wanted to."

well,,that's still better than any pickup lines i have biggrin
oh, that is so not true... *sly grins*...
biggrin biggrin biggrin biggrin biggrin biggrin biggrin biggrin biggrin biggrin biggrin biggrin
wanna make out??? kiss kiss kiss kiss
gosh, I know... This is like the most romantic line ever. I am SO jealous of Deb. I want to have a magic love affair like this one.
Well, mock board is out of the way, have another one next week though, didn't go too bad but i wish someone would remove the pipe wrench that was forcefully inserted into my ass holy crap lol OUCH surreal
a bit much for me... but, when you get it out, let me know, and we will make out... hehe
kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss
Kip: Napoleon, don't be jealous that i've been chatting online with babes all day. Besides , we both know i'm training to be a cage fighter."

that movie never gets old hehehe
omg that pt test sucked!!!! oklahoma wind sux,,,or blows , whatever. was 20 mile an hour wind lol. I lost track of my 2 mile time when it hit 20 minutes hehehe. but what can i say, in the last month i had a 2 week no run profile, a 1 week no pt profile and a ubertastic amount of recovery time so i did pt like twice lol. It's alright though because i technically didn't have to take the test so i shouldn't get in trouble woohoo. I still got to crawl back in bed though,,,thought it was at 6:30,,,i got there and looked at the board and it said it wasn't till 9:00 lol so i went home and crashed.
lucky... biggrin biggrin biggrin i wanted to be there waiting... wink
sweet , got a bit more done on the song i started the other night, was worried i wasn't gonna finish this one cause i hit a roadblock in the middle of it, but i think it'll be alright now
LoL you bet i do wink kiss ok i can't make a new entry cause it will wipe out your last comment, hehe i gotta leave that one up for a while wink
oh dont you worry kiddo.... i will write it again and again... hehe... kiss
GEEESH you gotta love bad luck, , , i've gotta go for some hooah army training for a month soon. i just found out the dates and i'm gonna be in training on my birthday and i'm also going to miss an ITG conference i was supposed to go to in New Jersey. Holy crap!! i've been planning that trip for like six months. well...
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hmmm... just tell everyone to eat a bowl of dicks, and do what you want to do... biggrin
i guess it does not work that way... oh well, it sounded good, didnt it?? wink
Starting writing some new music tonight. I haven't written anything for myself in a while so my skills are a bit rusty. Hopefully i'll finish this one instead of just leaving it half done like so many i've started. Wow , tylox....rox
You couldn't make me laugh even if i was laughing my ass off and you were the one that was making me do it.

My favorite saying of the day. biggrin
hahaha... nice... from what??? ooo aaa
actually its from the bob and tom radio show that is on when i'm going to work in the morning,,just part of a commercial, some raving drunk is saying it.
omg another day off from work, this is crazy. I'm not complaining though tongue
holy crap i just had my last two wisdom teeth pulled today. man did that suck or what. took two people to rip the bottom one out. but at least it got me out of work for the rest of the week and they gave me some good drugs too wink
hahaha.. how u feelin kiddo??? eeek
lucky... biggrin
holy crap it's been a month since i've posted anything eeek

it's been a bit crazy around here lately, i've been studying like mad for a promotion board coming up <crosses fingers> and gaming my butt off (RR 6L0 woohoo). Of course there is always the never ending saga of the divorce that i'm trying to get out of the way before i leave for another...
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woohoo i was on tv yesterday. i'm a tv star

no i was not that guy from the trailer park that lost his dog in a tornado!!!!
Holy crap!!! I woke up this morning only to realize that i don't remember what happened the night before. And when i say morning,,,i really mean 3:00 in the afternoon. I found broken furniture and an empty bottle of jack daniels when i got up. I have no clue why the chair is broke but i can guess how the jack ended up empty. Kinda...
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hmmmm... When you say you don't remember, do you really mean, you DON'T remember AT ALL, or is it just really vague? Cause I don't know, but being a big movie junkie, it -again- looks like this just got out of one. (Movie that is, not junkie.)

Are you the type of guy who becomes an asshole when he drinks too much? You know, being such an asshole you get pissed at yourself and throw furniture -at yourself.
Just wondering.