Q: How many kids with A.D.D. does it take to change a light bulb?

A: Wanna ride bikes?
Lmao... nice!!
Wanna??? biggrin biggrin biggrin biggrin biggrin biggrin biggrin
holy geeez i can't feel my arms...went to the gym today with one of my friends,,, he showed the routine he does for his chest and triceps......all i can say is ouch...it frickin hurts!!!! i'm finding somebody else to go work out with,,,hehehehe yeah i said it , what...i'm a wuss...bite me tongue tongue tongue
i like a good wuss... tongue
wanna make out?? kiss kiss
Holy Crap!!!! where the hell did that stack of empty beer cans come from? Yeah, i'm feeling it a little this morning hehehe. My eyes are bloodshot and my head hurts a little but i still feel great smile

anybody up for panchos? ooo aaa
how about an omelet??? *sweet kisses*
oh that beats panchos any day love
i don't have much to say , except its a damn beautiful morning ,,,it great to be alive and feeling like this

oh yeah , i paid the bills this morning,,,and it didn't even make my computer blow up...score!!!

oh yeah , happy april fool's day you bastards
Now i feel bad... you might wanna pull the saran wrap off of the toilet seat.. hehe

would be nice if i had a gig tonight, but this town sux for that kind of stuff <sigh> no worries though, got to jam a little this morning for some folks and i even dropped a little bit of jingle bells in the middle of Au Privave , i don't think anybody caught it though mwuahahahahahahahahahahahaha.

I saw a sign...
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heheee ....i answered....did you see? kiss
yeah baby... i love you... thanks... kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss getting a cramp... kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss kiss
ok,,,i'm not much for drama,,,and i hate bringing bad news and all that but...kinda had a bombshell dropped on me today,,,with delayed detonation.

I have a friend that has aids, she's been living with it for a good while. She has been sick as long as i have known her, and of course i know what happens to people who have aids but i guess...
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i am so sorry... frown frown frown frown frown frown frown
*big warm hugs*
don't you hate it when somebody has the authority to make you do something by a certain date,,and to have it done to a certain standard,,,,then after you've frickin slaved over it day and night.... they come back and say.."um yeah we're not gonna have you do that after all...maybe next month" frickin bastards lol...its alright though...nothing a few beers can't handle,,,and yeah i'm drinking...
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*giggles*... u are cute...
just choke some bitches!!! lol
i will help if you want!! hehe tongue tongue tongue tongue
i hold the gold in that!! wink
The very intamacy to which she admitted to him, her tenderness for him, confirmed him in this state of mind. No other woman had been tender to him... She was sweet ,tender and maternal, and in all this she was different from everyone else. He could abandon all thought of himself and his troubles while he was with her. It did not matter if he...
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Fairy muff... kiss
*wrapping my arms around you*
i am glad... love
Woohoooo got the afternoon off, had a lot of work to do though,,,but why do today what you can put off till tomorrow right? Wish i could download my pics from my phone to my computer :-/ stupid drivers bleh

hmmm,,,,2:00 ,,,time for a guinness right? right?
ok,,,no guinness for me,,,too much taco bueno...eh...whew...can't seem to move under my own power.....ehhh oink oink
its alright bear... lol... i got ya covered... *sly grins*...
biggrin biggrin biggrin biggrin biggrin biggrin biggrin biggrin biggrin biggrin
I feel like i've spent my whole life in a deep sleep full of bad dreams. But an angel came and woke me with a kiss. I think that even though i was asleep, i knew she would come for me.

Deb: "What are you drawing?"
Napoleon: "A liger."
Deb: "What's a liger?"
Napoleon: " It's pretty much my favorite animal. It's like a lion...
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*biting bottom lip*... kiss kiss kiss kiss
Ok i can't totally remove this entry so i will just add to it.

Deb: "What are you drawing?"
Napoleon: "A liger."
Deb: "What's a liger?"
Napoleon: " It's pretty much my favorite animal. It's like a lion and a tiger mixed, bred for its skills in magic."

Well, if anybody has taken a gander at my journal over the last year,,you've probably seen me...
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lol... caught it... currently thinking about it!!! *sly grins*... kiss

omg all i have to say is RANGE SAFETY!!!!!

Taxes suxors!!!! How is it that i owe $1600 for one frickin year ,,,thats impossible and thats with a dang $5000 tax credit ,,,you gotta be kidding me. mad mad

On a lighter note,,it snowed today woohoo,,,you gotta understand though, it hardly ever snows here. of course it probably wasn't even an inch of snow hehe tongue
you need me to come and keep you warm in that inch of snow??? hehe wink