im getting a bulldog, i just dont know what kind yet, but im so stoked.. im gonna get him after i move to atlanta in july.. woof
wow michael your profile pic vanished..
i know you silly basterd, mabye its because your on a different computer?
going to atlanta tommorow.. thank god im getting out of this city tongue
Not Orville, but Colonel Harland Sanders! Note bucket of chicken gripped by his left arm.
hey, mermm, yer still here ! (i think?!) although your pic isn't so who knows, oh well i don't mind if i am sitting here talking nonsenseically only to myself- as if that's anything new...
"hello there, pug..how's it going?"
"well it's going quite okay, really i had a good weekend, i wonder if mermm had fun in atlanta, huh?"
"i don'nt know pug i am not mermm i am you." biggrin
er...you'll have to excuse me i have confused myself.
::words:: walking in tambarines-vibrates in sands.. words like germs-like bikes or ice skates-based in a blaze of sunrays.. the sun stays always-falls all ways-check out the light fixtures hallways flickers attention defficiet attending depth drop in wet water off a secluded cliff.. lets toss this dish..
kitchen appliance licks lit lights off your eyes like my mind perception sillouett bouncing back::

..mermm surreal miao!!
oink bok miao!!
well isnt this fuct up, chat and webcams and im so broke i cant renew my membership mad .. someones playing a joke on me frown
Ugly: (see disgusting)-
repulsion; puddle progectile, backwards baracade; muzzles pop out of the overhead puzzle, animals hate animals; quicksand; inside snap shut in eyes.
i gotta say, "muzzles pop out of the overhead puzzle" really makes me giggly ! biggrin
sorry to hear you're time here is almost up-i definately feel for the whole being broke thing-i've still got another month of membership hopefully i'll have the funds for another 3 months at least, after all this site is a freaky bi girl's dream come true!
well maybe you and zack will be able to sell some essential organs or something and come back to the site when you get the cash? it's always nice to meet strange little animals with cool taste in music and stuff.
thats an interesting defination
trees fall with branches butterflies on sounds of guitars sweeping each wild rickity hickory flickering eyelids from some sunshine sometimes you just need new bulbs or blow holes if your drowning swallowing your surroundings, hollow me pulp soup sandy sea salt ocean crashing over land wave tangarine brand bottoming breath to behave like a lake.. somebody shake me outta my yellow submarine purple circular deep...
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Thats really pretty

biggrin that'd sound awesome wth a bass line and -i don't know alot of trippy guitar effects or something...it has a great flow & imagery too.
you'll have to say hello to zack for me- and givehim this message from cleo and mogwai-"the robin eats the worm at midnight-roger" or something, idon't know what the hell that's supposed to mean i kept bugging them to tell me but they were all it's-a-cat-thing and what not -cats can be so elitist.maybe zack'll tell you?
come on nice weather.. come on summer
No crap. The cold is really hanging in there. Where are my 90 degree temperatures?
wow.. lifeinrewind.. frown .. hope hes gonna be ok