Ye, i'd read the blog; where's the police car photos! Girls - they never tell you the truth do they, i mean they try to avoid being open at all costs.
Soz mate; i see them now, i thought they were the scufflers!
Fish Out Of Water

So it was the 10th anniversary works do the other night and after being badgered about going for weeks on end I thought what the hell, being called a miserable antisocial sod all the time gets quite annoying. Upon arriving it suddenly dawned on me that I didn't know 90% of the people there so for about half an hour I...
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Yeah I really have got lost in the new layout. It was changed a couple of times before and I couldn't find things, now it's even worse. I'm not very computer-able smile
You should do the wishlist thing - you don't get anything until you ask biggrin
Katie is purty! smile Glad you enjoyed yourself
Do You Enjoy Your Job?

So I had my review the other day at work which I have every 3 or 6 months depending how bureaucratically minded the management are feeling. It's the same song and dance every time really "we appreciate you do a good job but there's always room for improvement" yadda, yadda, yadda. Then I get asked if I enjoy my job...
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That's quite the wall, and quite the jacket.

My walls were blank for a few years, then I put up some posters.

Nothing as creative as yours.

I hated performance reviews. Especially those stupid questions that you can't give an honest answer to. Like you said, how the hell can you answer your boss when he asks what you think of him? Geesh.

I hate the way that some/many guys have this sense of entitlement about sex. That somehow they're owed sex, even by strangers. This is why I don't go to bars.

Thanks for the fantastic testimonial you gave me. It made me laugh, and made me happy too.
There is a similar jacket to that in my attic, although minus the sleeves as hubby grew and removed them to make it fit. Every now and again, he gets it down and looks longingly at it remembering the good old days.

Impressive wall.

The thing about the FOB video that annoys me more, is that Pete Wentz seems to have the main 'storyline' and the others are almost bit parts. As for the advertising, my kids didn't notice it before I told them it was in there and after. Both are pretty switched on too, if not quite the age the music is aimed at. I'm ashamed to admit I didn't notice it the first time, due to being preoccupied by the chimps. blush

Take care.


So here's the thing the other day it was someone at works birthday and they were having this "get together" in Leeds, I was asked if I wanted to go and I said I'd think about it bearing in mind that all of the people going are people I refer to as "casual friends" by which I mean they're people I talk to at...
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that is really weird that i'm not on the page anymore! maybe i you can re-add me, or something. smile
yeah I'm boring too for not going out a lot. oh well. *shrug*
Limbo Of The Somewhat Damaged

So it seems that some not so benevolent deity has renewed his task of smiting my attempts at happiness. So I asked her if she wanted to go for coffee sometime after work and instead of the yes I was hoping for or the no I was kind of expecting it seems she's just as damaged as I am. Turns...
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Sorry you're in limbo.

I've been there.

Try to stay positive. At the very least, you now have a friend. Someone you like, and someone who likes you. It might, with time, lead to more. But even if it doesn't, at least you made the effort and got the courage to ask her out.

That's a pretty big deal to me at least.

Like you, I can never understand why perfectly normal, nice, women seem to get into relationships with complete assholes. It just defies logic. Yet there are so many examples of it.

Do your best to keep up your new friendship with her. Just don't base your efforts solely on the goal of getting into a relationship. Try your best to be happy, or at least content, with the idea of just being friends.
Yeah, his eyes are kind of scary.

Maybe he just drank lots of coffee?

I know what you mean about letting your brain turn to sludge.

I feel like that's what's happened to mine. I honestly worry that I've become dumber through lack of use of my mind.
Over Analysis and Bitter Irony

So my current mental state regarding affairs of the heart is somewhat confused, as anyone who has been reading my rambling incoherent statements of general self loathing will know I don't exactly have much luck with the opposite sex. I was discussing this with someone at work the other day and saying how most of the girls I have asked...
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Good to hear it. I sincerely hope it all goes well.

We have a saying up here - "shy bairns get nowt" - so go for it, be positive, and you may be surprised by what happens... wink
This Just In Romance Not Dead!
So it was Valentines day the other week and instead of wallowing in self loathing which is what I do most of the time anyway I thought I'd actually do something so I ordered a bunch of 12 red roses for this girl at work that I like and had them delivered when I knew she would be working....
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I was just curious about where in Canada he might be. You should find out. smile

I totally get what you're saying. I mean, as shy as I can be, and as unconfident as I usually am, I'm sure that if I went to a bar I could find someone.

But I'm looking for more than sex. I've had meaningless sex, and it's, well, meaningless.

I'm not saying I have to be madly in love with the person, but I want some level of care and concern to be involved.
Hey I've just seen your post on the UK census boards and read your last journal smile
It can take a while to build up friends on here, you just have to put yourself about a bit and not upset anyone. There is quite a few of us from in and around Leeds.
It's On

So me and my brother had a big discussion about scary life stuff today and he said he's definitely looking for his own place when he comes back from canada around Christmas time and he said it'd be a lot easier if I moved in with him. For the last the last few months I've just been getting more and more pissed off...
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Well if you went I'd miss ya-I like reading your blog! And don't worry about the move - do it, and feel happy with the decisions you make smile
originally i was just gonna comment on what you've said after The Happy Pigs blogs; about SGUK, i empathise whole heartedly with you. but i'm gonna go to the March meet in Brighton for i have recieved alot of sincere reassurances that i will be welcome.

in comment to your blog, i only moved out two years ago to live on my own, i couldn't ever see it happening until it did. so what if younger people you know have moved out etc; why should you let other peoples actions dictate what you do! is there some law 'thou shalt move out by 21 or thou name shalt be stricken out from the ledger of Men'?

the friends issue, you have obviously touched people here because of the comments above. some people have lots of friends, others don't. i only have 4 people i'd call friend (cos it being an important word), they are the ones i'd trust with my life. i have a number of close aquaintances (some would call them friends too). but one brilliant freind is all one needs. i hope you have that. isn't that your brother? C S lewis had no friends as a child, and when someone said 'oh you must have had such a lonely childhood', he replied, 'why must i have; i had my brother, i needed no one else' (that's not vabatum!).

would coming to a Meet be helpful?

Anyway i hope you feel brighter soon. and hope i haven't spoke out of turn.

Fucking Displeased!

Just found out that the gig I've been looking forward to for 3 months has been rearranged on a day when I can't go mad mad mad mad which means I'll have to sell the tickets now. As an extra dose of salt in my wounds I found out that for the first time ever combichrist are playing somewhere not ridiculously far away @ Corporation in Sheffield...
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Yeah, the SGUK thing is quite hard to break into from an outsider's perspective. But it's not really about knowing the 'in' crowd. You've already got two people on your friends list who can vouch you into the group, which is all you need to get in. The group is pretty lively and arranges lots of meet ups around the country, so as daunting as it is to try and get into the group, and be aware, because it's a very active and social group, there are lots of close friendships within it. But the effort is worth it, I've made some very, very good friends through the group and some of the meets. smile
I've just seen what you've posted on ^^ his blog - don't worry about being the new guy when you get in. There's always new people and as you get used to the sense of humour in there, you'll be fine. And as for meets, people are very very welcoming and you'll feel like the new guy for about 10 seconds, max. smile
Feed The World ( Maybe Next Year)

So that's another Christmas over and done with at my place of work and yet again it seems that the company is determined to outdo all the competition in the "How much can we throw away this year" contest which I have to say is one of the things that kind of sickens me about working there. How...
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That's capatalism for you.............

Happy new year by the way!

A house??

Lucky bastard.

I love how employees at computer stores know even less than I do about computers.

The two local grocery stores where I am are pretty good about donating food to the food bank, as well as other groups.