Wii = love eeek biggrin biggrin biggrin

and we thought there was no way we'd get ahold of Zelda...we found a copy at the fourth store we went to. no luck on a second nunchuck, but we'll find one eventually. we just can't play a couple of mini games in Monkeyball or do two-player Wii Sports boxing, but everything else has been tons of fun so far. Tennis is AWESOME...
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Oh, I am TOTALLY getting my hands on Katamari! I played it once (sucked at it, but hey) and loved it!

Thanks for the tip kiss
turns out one of the guys working at the game store practically next door to my store was a friend of mine when i was little who i haven't seen since i was in like third grade. he says he doesn't remember me but apparently believes me and has been wicked nice and friendly since i noticed (only through the name on his frequent buyer...
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what, you can't get radio over the internet?

i am swilling a bottle of wine and some weed, getting all nostalgic over Neil Young songs, i'm having such a lovely evening!
yeah, it's way past your bedtime, young lady! wink
SO...we had a crazy windy storm thing here, a power line was knocked over in my neighborhood and because my house sucks ass and nothing is grounded (and the old surge protector really didn't work at all), my power supply blew. and then it was time to go to New York. but i got a special surge protector and a new power supply so i'm...
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what's Wii??

glad to hear you are back in internet-land, although NYC sounds like way more fun. i haven't been there in years. i've been there twice and both times i felt like a country bumpkin with a target painted on my back. my friend drove us out there one time, we had a friend who lived in Soho. After getting the car towed in Philly, someone decided to slash 3 of his tires while parked outside of said friend's apt. we had to take 2 tires on the subway into Brooklyn, where we find a garage run by Hassidic Jews. While we're waiting, this guy with no teeth is attempting to talk to us. Couldn't understand a word he said, we just smile and nod. The highlight was getting to see Fred Frith at the Knitting Factory, and having to ask Willem Dafoe to move because his party were in out seats.

i have some friends in Brooklyn, so i'm hoping to visit them soon. hopefully i won't feel so lost this time!

i hope getting buzzed after work doesn't turn into a habit for you, but i really can't talk, i'm cracking a beer open soon!

did you guys get those Tenacious D promo masks? i'm going to post pics of them soon, if i ever decide to update wink
shirts? damn, i must have missed out on those shirts!
no salaried position for me...suck suck sucky suck. but at least i got that raise and it turns out i'm NOT actually an assistant manager, though i can apply to be one and get like another 50-75 cents an hour, IF i get it, after i re-submit my resume and go through ANOTHER interview. yippee. meanwhile the new manager is making a livable wage and...
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yeah, tell me about it. i wish space wasn't so expensive! i'm a pack rat and have loads of toys, t shirts and records that need to be properly displayed! in fact, half of my shit sits in a storage locker, it's rather sad...
yeah, sister, here's to actually taking toys out of their packaging. oh damn, i de-valued my collection!

i'm actually thinking about ditching alot of stuff, maybe on ebay. you accumulate so much, and then it's like, what's the point?

Cursed is not a good movie. really. you probably already knew that, though. however, as a rabid Arrested Development fan, it was at least amusing to see Lindsey being all psychic and weird and Kitty being a scary vengeful bitchy werewolf. and the WEREGOLDENRETRIEVER. haha. oh Christina Ricci, WHY???? go be in something worth watching, please. you're far too pretty for this silly crap.
Thanks for the comment. That skull paint took freaking forever to get right, so I'm glad it was effective.
Ghost World is so good! Its sounds so dorky to notice this but when you watch the movie pay attention to the color scheme. In every single scene in that movie you'll see and red and green color scheme somewhere in it, its kind of cool! biggrin
i got a totally kickass promo today at work, by a group called Stolen Babies. it's great!!! we already had one promo copy come in and one of my coworkers snatched it up but after she played it a couple times i started digging it and i SQUEALED with happiness when i came in this morning to a big box of promos that one of...
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wait, a $1000 a week or a month?

i hope you get that promotion, and i'll have to check out Stolen Babies.
so i'm still not the manager, though customers still think i am....we have a label-sponsored contest going on where whichever of our stores sells the most of a selection of five mediocre-to-crappy cds gets $2500 to split amongst the employees and a ps3. my bestest coworker pal (and would-be assistant manager) told the manager that if we don't win, he'll get him (the manager) fired....
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yeah I hear ya bosses are no fun, but I'm glad to hear you get along with coworkers thats always a plus smile Oh and Science of Sleep was so good, you have to tell me how you liked it! As for the dying your hair black blue, Mine had the same effect I had red highlights but they still showed frown but I kind of like it. hmm...
trying to ignore my dislike for the new management, and every time my brain is idle i start daydreaming about how great it would be if i were manager so i'd make enough money to have my own apartment in town, no need for a roommate, and could pay for EVERYTHING by myself. and if i got lucky maybe even have a place that allowed...
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yeah, i wish i had my own place too. my roomies are cool but sometimes you don't want to deal with other people.

sorry about the work situation, that must be so frustrating.
i am not happy with the new manager - he thinks we don't like him (not true) and is trying too hard to get us to like him, and in turn it's making us not like him. couple that with the fact that he's micromanaging, completely reorganized our new release/sale wall (eliminating the Top 20, wtf???), and twice in the past week he has been...
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nuh uh!
i made chunky monkey cookies last night (mashed banana, huge chocolate chunks and walnuts). i had to improvise a little but they fucking rule. as far as i'm concerned, when it comes to cookies i can do no wrong. fear my baking powers!!!

i had a really weird, kind of cool dream last night. i was at work and a girl came up to me...
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it's by an artist called Run
i envy, not fear your baking prowess. i sure could go for some of those chunkies right now!

funny you should mention Jack Off Jill, i was just checking that record yesterday (on vinyl, oh yeah) wink it's the one with the Mark Ryden cover. i'll poke around for that Stolen Babies stuff.

i ended up taking that Christina thing home, it fits perfectly in the corner of my room, really brightens the place up tongue am anxiously awaiting the vinyl version of the album, yes i am a geek.

that dream sounds amazing, i can barely remember any of mine anymore. force fields, everyone should have at least one!