Dear money:

You make things extremely difficult. "We want you to go to pursue higher education!" they say. Then stop making it so fucking hard, is my response. Stupid money.

Yeah, I might be homeless, jobless, and schoolless within then next month. I'm excited.
Yeah, that's the dark side of society. It's also the reason we're letting in mexicans to work for $2/hr. It's also why I'm not a democrat anymore.
Hmm not good. frown Good luck with it though I'm sure it'll turn out ok... *fingers xssed* wink
Ever feel the need to just.. change your physical surroundings? Yeah..

So much has changed for me emotionally, etc, lately... I think I need to rearranged my apartment, etc. Just to let things go and feel like I'm actually starting something new.

I'm beginning to slack at school. Notgood. Oivey.

Hope ya'll are doing good.
I'm working on decluttering my life. My first step was tossing a box that I haven't opened in two years, I hope I didn't need anything.
It's reallly weird how things work out for me. And then they don't. Bleh. Stupid notch on my credit is keeping me from being able to borrow money for school. :\
I hate having bad credit. I'll never be allowed to buy a new car.
Boyfriend and I are working things out and I'm happy. smile

Especially since yesterday morning/afternoon was the absoloute WORST.
I.. I'm so broken right now.. My boyfriend decided we need to "take a break".. after having spent the last two weeks in practical bliss.. Confused, hurt, scared, lonely, worn out, stressed, among other things..

I just plain don't know what to do.. this is the love of my life who gave me a promise ring three months ago.. someone who rarely buys anything for...
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I'm so sorry. 0_o I really hope that this turns out to be for the best and that everything works out in your favor...no matter what the ending.

Let's see.. I got all of my final projects done over a week ahead of time, I'm so proud of myself. Because of this - no class for me for the rest of the week! I got my schedule for the Spring Term.. no night classes - YAY!!! ALthough.. I have the same instructor twice in a row and he's not my favourite.. -_-

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Glad to hear that school's going well for you. Keep up the good work and don't slack off ^_^.
thanks for the comment on my set!! you are too cute! love
Hmm.. guess the boy isn't moving in with me. Better things are happening at the moment. smile

I need RP buddies in EQII - I know someone on this site has to play! C'mon! tongue

I've been feeling extremely unattractive for the past couple months. To the point where if I think about it.. I just want to cry. Silly emotions. My self-esteem needs to come out...
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there there little one. Come on out of your silly skin, and feel good!

I'm sure a hug would make you feel much better, but unfortunately I can't offer you one. But!!!
I recommend hugging a tree in public with no one else (whom you know) around you. It's embarressing, funny as hell and it makes ya feel gouda!
Thanks for the lovely comment on my set! kiss
Holy buckets it's been a long time since my last update. Not that anything exciting's happened. Nothing anyone else would consider exciting, anyway.

Heh, lately my time has been stolen by EQII even more than usual. One of my characters found a role-playing buddy and I've been having a blast actually consistently RPing with someone. Hooray for things that make me happy.

Spent some time...
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Sounds like alot of wonderful new changes on the horizon...I think yer gonna have a great year!
cya smile
Like yer profile pic tre cute!
you should update more often stranger! I'm confident that my last relationship would have been better if we lived together, so maybe your common law idea will be good for the both of you.

Oh yeah, I was just checking out your 'favourite bands' section and noticed that you listed, 'the brilliant green'. If you like them then you'll probably really like, Love Psychedelico, Ai Otsuka (both are japanese), My Little Airport, and Pancakes (these two are querky cantonese artists)

take it easy rock star.
I've totally been hooked on dance-y music as of late. I just want to get up and move. Madonna's new album is good for this, yes.

I'm getting new glasses around teh fifteenth - clear vision, yay! Costing a lot of money - boo! I even got the cheapest frames available as well as the not-so-great lenses. I went to Wal-Mart Vision, for Rufus' sake....
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hey hey hey also have a rockin awesome NEW YEARS
man, -19 degrees. i'm glad i'm in tx. although i'll be back braving the cold ia winters soon enough once the new school semester starts.
Ugh, I feel like my skin is on fire. Running a fever. No fun. frown

I miss taking photos, I think I'm going to try to get some done today. smile I need to find a place to get them developed, though..

Hooray, a new term at school has started. I'm going to feel sooo freakin' lazy. I have one class at 8:35 Monday - Thursday. One...
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hey, you may have seen this before, but I just posted it on a bunch of forums while looking for this image:

I found Where No Beavis Has Gone Before biggrin

oh and btw, you also likely know, you need the Quicktime 7 player, but X3 Teaser is available now.


[Edited on Dec 06, 2005 11:25PM]
Sigh, I had oooooodles of photos developed that I want to scan in. I'm in the mood to scan photos, dammit! But noo.. my scanner just had to break on me. Digital photos just don't do it for me, usually, heh. I can't explain why - I just do! Probably because it feels so much more real. I wish I had more inspiration for my...
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So you have heard it?..it's funny, Patrick Stewart has done some funny roles as a guest star. Last week I saw him on a Frasier re-run playing a gay man who pursues Frasier, and back in the early 80's he played a male thief named "Karla" in 2 british tv series "Smiley's People" and 'Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy" that starred Alec Guiness (Obi-Wan Kenobi in the original Star Wars).

Also, have you ever heard some of the comedic William Shatner and Leonard Nimoy songs? Shatner did "Rocket Man" and "Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds"
Nimoy did
"The Ballad Of Bilboa Baggins" and "If I Had A Hammer"..they're awesome...

Thanks for the tip about ELDEST, I am going to have to get going on it more now from your review. I read recently they are making the movie now and Christopher Paolini is in it. A lot of the books I have read recently they are doing that with actually, seems to be the way of hollywood now.

Scanners always break. Always.
Thank you so much for taking the time to comment on my set sweetness. It means a lot. x x
Is it weird that I sometimes just have random, running thoughts like, "Hmm.. what would it be like if I tried to die today?"

hahah thank you for the funny comment on my set, doll!!

kiss kiss
Well, maybe don't entertain any thoughts till after you meet Rufus... smile