So I'm feeling completely out of touch with my job. Its like pushing wind, there's no sense of anything concrete really happening..
I guess this is normal for most sales positions, but I'm still getting used to it

And we are off on the election trail for the next federal election (canada). 3 months before the likely call date - go NDP.

oh, and...
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I know the feeling about your job... *sigh*
*faints* i need a lil help here =/
haha i make no sense...
I feel the same way. Wait a minute, I have never felt in touch with my job ... now that I think of it, I have never even liked my job. Hmm. I suppose I am in a job rut with you. I am looking for something new, perhaps you should do the same. Stay there until something better comes along and leap before you think.

I am thinking if I had to break the ice to gain entrance to the pool, I might not be in the mood for swimming. I don't like me in freezing water. frown

[: congrats. on your wife's sell. It's amazing to be able to create something that someone else would like and buy:]

So I went out last night with a friend from my old job. She's got her promotion at a new company and loads of $$$. I'm not - my last job screwed my career and I'm too bitter to do the same thing.
But I'm writing and getting back into the political shit.
Why can't I have a job that pays well that I like...
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I think that everybody wants that dream job... we all are a bunch of whiners!! hehe! God.. how i love martinis.........!
blackeyed they are right there. See them? They are only a couple of clicks away. robot
Well - I'm hung over - not much, just enough to throw me off and make me lazy. Went to see a ska band last night - they were OK, but not very tight. and with that many horns, being a bit off was really noticable.

And some damn woman was trying to get me drunk - sheesh what's the world coming too?

Well, gotta...
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Thanks for thinking of me and the kind words, certainly been one of my worst weeks to date. I need all the warmth of friends and family I can get right now. *hearts sqp*
shhh! Don't let my pessimism know that optimism is on the menu!

... A happy, fulfilling life. A sense of joy in the day to day reality of living? hahah! No, I have not reached that point. I am far to apathetic for that.. but don't tell my new empatic ways about it. Once you stop caring, there is really no reason to be upset and bitter it all just becomes funny instead. When things look shitty, I turn to my sarcasm and I back on cloud nine. kiss

Drunk? Are you implying that there is drunken fun being had somewhere without me? I sure hope not. whatever
Well, I'm procrastinating again - surfing online instead of doing chores and working on the novel.

anyone wanna smack me upside the head.

but not too hard
Hi! Vegas totally rocks. We'll be going there to see Celine in a couple of weeks - yay!

We got the medium priced package at Mandalay Bay, which offered a limo ride to city hall (ooooh) and a one night stay in the hotel (ahhhh)... which we didn't even use cuz we were out strip club hopping lol
*smack* do your chores like a good kid. wink
Well, I've been very constructive with the use of my time. I've just completed Vice City - at least the main story line - and acquired all properties except the dealership.

But soon, soon it will ALL be Mine - Me Tommy Vercetti.

oops, ahem, was that out loud?

Why can't I be this committted to writing and work and staying in shape and stuff?

What a horrible person, there is nothing worse than someone with passion and a drive to succeed in their chosen profession. I mean its terrible when someone gets stuck at work because their colleagues are looking to them to solve a problem impacting the organization, thank god for people that realize how important a career is and how long and hard some individuals have worked to establish themselves and move upward. It is a shame things were so horrible and having a nice dinner was so bad. I guess sometimes things dont work out the way they should, thats when we suck it up and realize the bigger picture.

[Edited on Feb 28, 2004 5:18PM]
Agreed ARRR!!!
Well, I seem to be making some actual progress, slow but methodical in the book.

Of course I'm doing the writing at the pub so I'm also developing a beer gut, so I'll have to switch drinks and start exercising more.


Well, I'm off to eat before going off and playing roadie for my trapeze wife
hey thanks for the compliment about my work... i love to hear people like it... i work so hard and no one seems to look at it on the site... i hope all goes well with losing the gut... switch to lite beer or liquor, it takes less to get drunk so you can drink more before you gain weight wink
getting drunk always brings inspiration to me when i want to write something
Well I seem to be having motivation problems.

I went to see my favourite stripper earlier this week, it was good fun, but it didn't help with my motivation.

It seems that I can either be well adjusted me, but lack drive and focus or I can be driven me, and then I'm a bit of a grumpy dickface.

It wouldn't be so bad if...
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haha i'm glad you liked my profile.

what topic was the post with me linked under? There are so many i don't think my 56k can handle all the searching.

I feel you on the motivation problem, i've been in a similar situation for about 2 months now.
That's very sweet of you, thank you.
By the way, if you really do have an imbalance, it IS all in your head - your brain. So yes, meds would help. unfortunately, though, I've known too many people who were put on ritalin as kids and grew up to be speed freaks. kiss
Well - off to bribe myself with beer at the local pub so I will write another few pages.

less than 5 months before i'm 40 and I want the first draft (in readable condition) before then.

fuck, i hope i can pull it off, but even the beer is less appealing than it was when I started bribing myself

oh well, at least with...
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Thanks for the declaration. blush

Not sure how you came the conclusion that you love me but whoa.. .trippy... Whitehorse?

My Sister was born there, I've never been but I lived 2 years in Tuktoyaktuk, and 18 of my formative years in Yellowknife. I know Whitehorse is supposed to be much more beautiful what with the mountains and all, and YK is a bog but they are both north of sixy and well... FREEZING! Do you own your own pair of Kamuks?
A Kamuk is like a mukluk. Kamuk is the Inuit version. Made from Seal skin not Caribou and usually waterproof.

If you lived in Inuvik you may have had a pair.. but Mukluks are common everywhere, I had mukluks too.. with beadwork.

So HOMETOWN is not accurate. You were born in whitehorse? Hometown is where you spent your formative years, where you remember playing in the streets...
I'm kinda stalled out a bit on the book. I'm having trouble writing more than a few pages at a time. I think its because I'm setting the book in a place similar to where I used to work (ad agency) and even writing about it give me the heebies

but soon my character's life will go to crap and I will be out of...
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you can answer my questions to your journal on my page kiss
Good luck on the book. I know what it's like. A long haul, but you'll get through. I am a used to. I used to write and I used to drink. Now I am just an unemployed teacher. Good Luck again, hang tough.
Well, its monday again.

I seem to be getting some writing done on the book, even if its ever so slow.

You know its really helpful when you put in a more detailed plot by chapter - helps you understand where the dialoge should go next AND keep track of who the hell is betraying who
what kind of book?
Its a fantasy novel, set in present day

I've got my lead character as an avatar for a trickster god, but he don't know it yet

right now its reading like a slow john grisham novel, but that's OK (I hope) since I need the backstory to be clearly laid out

then I'll clean up

wanna by my first copy?
Trying to rent the apartment this week - actually had a sane couple come and look at it which was nice

ever find that sex is more straight forward in the winter - maybe its just cause our place is cold, but now its under the covers and usually missionary

more energetic and primal though - keeps one warm 'wink');
winter sex. mmmmmmm
well, i'm avoiding working today. I just wanna go for a drink and smoke

I had a really productive day yesterday and so today is like --- I don't need to

fuck i wish i could sort out my motivation problems
lovely m'dear!