so i was suppsoe to leave for the beach tonight..but i got out of work hours later then i thought i would..then i decided what the hell i'll drink ..but that got cut short when one of my good friends got super trashed and tried driving home..so i ended up fighting him to sit down an not leave....now i have 4 hours to try an...
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i love your set darling but you need a profile picture so people can associate your name with your set and profile and such! kiss kiss kiss
haha thanks for all the nice comments sadly im not technologically savy thats why my profile pic is not up to par. a new photoset is in the works! smile
today is a good day! going to the beach again for a week get to choose wether or not i want to work AND my photoset will be up for review later in the day!all i am missing now is a hot guy and a beer haha. hopefully i dont get pulled over again on the way down to the beach..this trip down will be...
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last night was one of my jobs favorite managers last night frown so as we all always do we went out drinking! hah. i had a lethal weapon shot for the first time..HORRIBLE!!! followed with 6 captains an coke ..needles to say i was mad fucked u. and yet i managed to make the winning shot in a game of pool..geuss im alot better at pool...
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so i havent had to work for the past couple days an it has been great..although i am broke and about to go on vacation..that part sort of sucks alot but i relize now that i really need atleast one day off a week for myself. to relax and not worry about anything..i think everyone needs that but you do not appriciate it till it...
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FINALLY 21!!!! my birthday was crazy!! i do not remember all of it tho...but still awesome! my friend surprised me by hooking us up w a party bus instead of a limo...it had a stripper pole bars on the ceiling and lights on the floor...AMAZING!!1 got trashed b4 we even hit power plant dont remember alot of what happend in there but somehow i left...
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finally got internet after days without it!!! LAME!!! got yet another tattoo which looks awesome...and my 21st birthday is just a couple days away!!1 couldnt be more excited! limo friends coupleof fun party favrs and 15$ all u can drink....sounds like a great challenge and will gladly accept it haha. and just 11 more days till my photoset hits the site! WOOOH! smile
got another new tat today and popped my friends tattoo cherry..l a bit drunk now but a semi great day!!! cant wait to showcase my new tat in my second photoset! its gonna be hottness ..and my birthday is coming up....cant wait me..friends..limo..colorful wigs an 30 bars......aka an amazing night of madness
.....WOOOOH! wink
NEW TAT! and geting another in a couple of weeks..im going to finish this sleeve if it kills me...or my wallet haha biggrin
the last couple of days have been wild. i woke up in a house i had never been to before..and was very confused. got sooo shit faced last night that i dont remember a few hours or what happend...not good..but funny. super hungover so this is all i got for today.;...finally gonna go shower and pass out in a bed i havent been in for...
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next week is tattoo time again!! so much i want but i have such little arms! haha i cant decide if i want the rise against symbol or a broken heart or a clada (how ever u spell it) but with a broken heart...and next month my left arms half sleeve will b done!! since my luck with guys lately has gone to shit im...
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