So I'm running into a few problems here and there with annoying little details that are keeping me stuck where I am (apartment-wise). I'll have it all worked out sometime next week - but DAMN it's frustrating!!!!!

But - I guess things will progress exactly as they are supposed to smile

So it looks like tonight, the lovely Miss suzy_kabloozy and I will FINALLY meet up...
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So you had fun with Ms. Kabloozy, I guess? I hope your annoying life issues work out quicky. Hope you're having a fun Memorial Day.
kiss kiss love kiss love love kiss kiss
So I've been doing a LOT of driving around and seeing some fucking UNBELIEVABLE stuff.

I guess it's safe to say that I've seen a lot of this country...and I've seen some things that I liked to think were breathtaking.

But then - I was driving down the PCH (Pacific Coast Highway), and I saw SO many amazing beach homes and massive houses in the...
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Well...my uncle and tia have a 2 story condo by the beach in Spain. I just can't remeber which city. We'll be stopping by either Madrid or Barcelona to see my mum's family. Barring my school goes well, if not it'll have to be for January. We'll see.

Fiesta Cantina...haven't been there yet. ::rumble:: oh no! That was my tummy...must have food.
Last night was so fun! I am so glad I got out. I was much improved from a night on the town. Work was very stupid today. Saturday is so close! biggrin
Hey guys!!!!

First off - thanks SO MUCH for all of your well-wishes. That means a lot to me......more than you know.

Things are going well here so far. As of now, it looks like the split will be quite amicable - and that is a BIG relief. I'm not looking for a messy, nasty, drawn out divorce where only the lawyers get paid. That...
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Wassup, beautiful? Did you have a good weekend? Geez, I was a whiney little bitch yesterday. But today is a brand new day. smile
Hey, gorgeous blond Cali girl, how've you been?

Ooh and I saw a dining set similar to yours today but not in such cool colors--it was just a shiny white, but the same style.
Ok, guys - I don't know if this will come as a surprise or not.....

But things at home are not so good, and I'm going to be making some drastic changes in my personal life.

I've spent too long being in denial - trying to pretend things woud be ok. They aren't - and they haven't been for a long time.

So - at...
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Can I just say that you are the most awesome person ever????
Thank you soooo much for the e-mail.
I think that you gave me that final push that I needed to take care of what I need to.
I am soooo glad to see you so happy now. I thought that you were happy before, but now I can see a total turn around...it's awesome to see you in such high spirits!!! biggrin
Oh, by the way, I'm waiting for the pic of you in the new ride singing that song-
Great song, isnt it?
I sing it at the top of my lungs as well. wink
Love you girl! kiss
Ok .. that sounds ominous. Hope things work out .... for the best.
Ok, Ok. I can take a hint. I'll lighten up a bit!
biggrin tongue


So - I went to check out this place in Hollywood called Amoeba Records. This place is like mecca for music lovers. They have everything under the sun that you could ever possibly want - new and used cd's of EVERY kind of music...some pretty amazing vintage vinyl - like an original...
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totally biggrin kiss
yeah i dont really know too much about that kinda music but ive still heard alot of good stuff about BAD BOY BILL
Sometimes - there just isn't a clear cut, black and white, yes or no.

Sometimes - there is no easy answer.

Sometimes, there is a compromise. It's beneficial and productive and is for the greater good.

Other times....a compromise can only go so far....do so much...before it's side effects breed resentment, hostility, and even contempt.

Sometimes - one can make a sacrifice that one can...
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Ok, well definitely YES! I am LIVING to many of the things you wrote this very second. You always make me go hhhhhhmmmmmmmmm....... surreal

Hope you're feeling better! Your comment in my journal had me rollin! Damn kids get off of my lawn was classic! biggrin skull
I will get back to you on that. My brain said negative on thinking deeply.

biggrin Have a good day.
Gah eeek eeek

I'm having some....ummm.....trouble with my female innards...and I suppose I should go to a doctor. I'm in a LOT of pain every month, and often even in between.

My problem is - I loathe doctors even more than I loathe being in so much pain that I can't move and I nearly pass out.

I've seen doctors before about all this - one told...
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After those experiences, I'd never wanna set foot in an OB/GYN office again. But yeah, as everyone else has said, you probably do need to go. It might be something simple that some meds can help or it could be something more serious that needs attention before it gets worse. Personally, I'd never go a male gyn--just doesn't seem like could every fully understand.

Good luck sweetie--I hope you start feeling better. Female problems really suck.
Haha--actually, he is a big conservative (we're talking anti-gay rights, everything that typifies the far right) but that's his business. He's probably more of a kid than some of the kids he will be teaching. I'm sure he'll be fine but I'm not sure I'd want him as a teacher. wink

The girl bailed on my friend last night (she wanted to go to the bar with her 'male friends' who she told him wouldn't like him so he probably shouldn't come along), eliciting a "I'm not surprised" from me. She just isn't into him, you know, you can tell these sorts of things. She doesn't even seem very nice in general. Poor kid wants a nice girl so badly, he's trying too hard. He falls for any girl who talks to him. I suggested he date men and was told to fuck off wink . He's immature, but he does end up dating a lot of crazies.
In case there are any of you wonderful people left who are not aware of this fact about the woman behind the monitor -
I am a really big clothes whore biggrin biggrin

Fashion has been one of my great loves since I was little. Call me silly if you will, whatever but I see fashion design as art.

And so, having moved to LA, it was inevitable...
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yeah im really liking the american gods book but its just taking me awhile to get into it. I started reading it in october then with my husband surgery kinda forgot all about it and am only now getting back into it. No havent read his other stuff a friend mailed the book to me to read. My husband is re-reading good omens now...
I still think its impossible to clip em inside a pocket. Now if I would do something like that I would clip them to a beltloop and put the keys in my pocket. tongue




I'm appallingly braindead at the present moment eeek

My hubby and I went out to this club called Rage last night - I guess I had a few margaritas.
tongue biggrin

But DAMN we had a good time! Yet another thing I love about my boy is that he loves to dance as much as I do love

And we certainly do have a wonderful time...
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i fucking LOVE that little dinette set you guys got - took me a bit to get caught up on you missy wink
between schoolwork and a 3-day Vegas getaway i've been on here more than i should catching up smile
sounds like you're doing great!!!
You couldnt be any more right about the tattoo shops and such in LA!! (Purple Panther on Sunset has a very good reputation - other than that i'm not to sure on specifics but - the sleazier and scarier it looks on the outside - there's sure to be talent and knowledge on the inside!!)
Glad to hear you guys are getting to know the area!!
Couple more weeks and you'll be showin' me around!! biggrin
Talk to you soon sister ... off to "serve" the beautiful people some drinks!!!
i sure do wish LA was closer to Costa Mesa (about a 45 minute drive if you only break a couple of traffic laws - i know because i flew from work at 1:30am to make it to Spundae to see my favorite dj go on at 2:30 and made it in record time) ...... if you guys do ever make it all the way out that way on a Friday or Saturday - drinks are on me and we can verbally bash all the little primadonna bitches choking down the martini they ordered just to look sophisticated!
Martinis! shocked I wanna go...

When am I ever gonna be done with all this madness ... I am off to work now, in West Hollywood, so if you see an insane woman in a green Mustang with messy hair and a deranged look in my eye ... that will be me. I'm sure I'm not far from you. I work over by Melrose and Orlando ... which is where the real Melrose Place is. They actually have a little farmer's market type thing going on over there but I never get to go because I'm always slaving away for The Man! Or Josh .... whatever you want to call him.

Have a great Sunday!
So - it seems that the prettier a Tattoo/Piercing place is, the less likely the staff is to know what the hell they are doing.

I went to this swanky looking joint in West Hollywood to get my Monroe ball changed to a shorter bar with a little sparkly jem....the dillhole there told me I couldn't go to a shorter bar yet...AND actually wanted to...
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That's very true. The more polished the place looks, the less experience they have. Sorry to hear they were inept and wouldn't give you what you wanted. Do you think you could change it out yourself if you bought a shorter barbell?
I also never trust a tattooist who talks bad about other shops in the area. Quality work should be respected, whether it came from them or someone else. My fave piercer was let go and has yet to get established elsewhere, so I'm hesitant to do anything at the moment.

I love gargoyles. I think a gargoyle in mostly grays would look amazing.

Jeez, I'm tired, I don't know if I'm making sense anymore.
That piercer is a fuckin moron! Tell him to take long slow prolonged drags off of a tailpipe! What a douche bag! wink kiss skull