I'm absolutely shattered! Getting up at 5.30 A.M after only 3 hours sleep to do a 10 hour shift isnt fun! surreal But hopefully being tired didn't show and I pulled it out the bag and I got the job biggrin Keep everything crossed for me guys kiss

My friends JoJo & Saz are currently causing drunken mayhem in North Wales.. Extremely gutted I couldn't be with them...
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have fun!
Ha ha welcome to the working world tongue I have to get up at 5am regular not good is it. Hope you get the job. x
Feel a bit sick and a bit excited at the thought of setting my alarm for 5 A.M tomorrow for my first day at work. I will miss watching Jeremy Kyle in my underwear eating biscuits I'm not going to lie.
thank you sweetie smile
I've had such a lush day.
It's so sunny outside so the husband & I went and spent the day at Whitehouse Farm.. It was lush wandering out in the sun feeding the animals. Apart from the pigs; those suckers bite, hard, but they're well cute when they're babies.. I also witnessed some horrific pig sex puke but getting to cuddle and bottle feed...
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weird lol
Seems everyone is having sex, 'cept me! whatever
I can honestly say that the people on "Katie Piper: My Beautiful Friends" are some of the most beautiful people on the fact of this earth.
Eating ginger snaps, drinking tea & watching Come Dine With Me in my PJs at 1 p.m.. I'm going to miss sitting on my arse watching god awful daytime TV & Two And A Half Men re-runs when I go back to work Friday but I need to get out this house before cabin fever sets in and I start making pictures out of my...
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I've never heard of making art or pictures out of toenails and hair shavings, but you could more than likely sell it on Ebay....

I can eat a whole box of ginger snaps. Big glass of milk! smile
I could make a fortune couldn't I biggrin I might just do it lol.

Tell me about it, I love ginger snaps.. I'm pretty sure I'm going to eat this entire box myself!
Eventually got around to re-newing this shit.

Back to work Friday so at least I have another week of watching Jeremy Kyle and roaming around here love