...or have they significantly reduced the number of sets being released for member review? A few days ago there was a new set being released every 4 hrs but over the past couple days there have only been a scant few not including the set of the day. WTF SG??

@shev I don't know if that is necessarily going to increase their chances of their sets being bought. From my understanding, and please correct me if I am wrong as I have only been a member on this site since the summer, a set is usually bought based on the amount of positive feedback it gets in both comments and in love of the set. If that is the case, I don't think having fewer sets in members' review each day is going to increase the amount of response any one girl may get for their set. But that is just my opinion. I could very well be wrong and if this does lead to more girls getting their sets bought then I am all for it.
It also depends on how active they are on the site:). It can be good and bad.  I've noticed that since the new site came about there seems to be a lot less comments and likes on the sets than what they got on the old site; but maybe that's just what I think? Anywho, I think it'll help the girls out with their sets being bought ?