Forgot to share this! So in case you guys haven't played shadow of the colossus (my fav video game), this is the symbol that all the creatures have and it lights up a very pretty blue ♡

This piece actually means a lot to me bc sotc was the first game my brother and I ever beat and it feels like forever ago.

Shoutout to
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I had no idea it could happen so fast??? One day I'm like hoping and dreaming that I'll grow up to be like the girls on this site and the next they've emailed me with all the forms I have to submit! This is insane and it means one of my dreams actually might come true.

This also means I'll probably post more and try...
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Can't wait to see your first set.

Annnnnd now we wait! I'm so so so excited and full of anticipation you guys have no idea. Wish me so much luck please <3


Soooo I've been tossing around the idea of getting one for a few weeks now and for some reason I'm super anxious about the pain during the procedure. (even though I've already had 10 piercings so I should be used to the whole pain idea). But like I said for some reason I'm a little freaked out about it.

Does anyone have any good experiences...
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