It's always in flux. But for today, these are my choices for favorite and/or keenly influential word smiths.

Abstract prose: Gertrude Stein
Victorian melodrama: Thomas Hardy
Satire: Jonathon Swift
Historical narrative: James Michener
SG banter: Aeryn
Poetry: Barry Gifford
(note: really too many to choose)
Paradigm for living: Rumi
Spiritual paradigm: Jesus
(note: I am not Christian)
Conceptual paradigm: Sir Francis Bacon
Musical lyricist: Bob...
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I see this... and I never thought I would see my name included in a list of such greats. I'm humbled.
thank you for taking the time to write that comment. i'm glad i made sense to you. i don't think my repertoire of past reading could ever fill all the categories in that list, but that's one of the reasons for my vow to read more books.. if you ever want to recommend any reading material you think might suit me, please feel free. smile
. . . . so yeah its pretty amazing when youre sitting up front at full altitude, looking out a window to the west. Its like youre far enough forward so the engines are just kind of a dull drone. And I guess the timing is important too. I mean for me its like the end of the week, you know?, when Im headed home;...
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I love those moments of seperation that aren't really seperation but more of a complete joining.
Upon the silky
Fingers of surf
The prodigal
Imprints his return
Finding receptive the
Kiss of sand
Upon sole.

Thank you...actually I know I'm going to be ok - and no one is saying that I'm not wonderful, I'm just hitting a point where I feel very alone. It will pass...
Some days we (I presume many of us) wake up with some piece of music on the mind. No reason, it's just there. Some times it plays over and over again to the point of nausea . . . just cannot turn it off.

Today I got lucky. It plays over and over again but it remains totally delightful so here it is.

Ottorino Respighi...
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My pleasure, I did have to think hard especially as I am not in a very interesting mood at the moment!

The penny whistle can be lovely, I agree, it's not very rock and roll though wink
Adrift upon lily pad lake
Propelled by summer breeze
The contemplation house sits in quiet repose
Insides not much
Cedar, sunlight, shakuhachi and bell

I was reading back over your journals where you asked for jazz suggestions - I havent heard this but I want it Thelonious Monk Quartet with John Coltrane- At Carnegie Hall
PS thank you for your words about the latest change in my life - it's been a very interesting year to say the least. And though I would rather not have what I have - it's better to finally know why I have had various health issues over the years and it is actually, hopefully, easy to treat, and not fatal- only uncomfortable.
In the canyon stands a raven
Ebony feathers awash in the light of the midday sun
Cooled by the splash of rushing water
The raven caws delight

Is this yours? It is beautiful.

Have you ever read any Wallace Stevens? I love Thirteen Ways of Looking at a Blackbird.
Thank you.
As a project manager for a technology company, my job is to oversee the implementation of software designed to run an entire company . . . inventory and production planning, general ledger, sales, puchasing and so forth. Everything a company needs in order to perform business operations.

As we approach the point of actually turning it on for daily transactions, we enter into a test...
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Something was terribly wrong.
There was a silvery object, a missile of some kind, flying directly at my head.
It didnt begin this way.
Ten years before there was a gala wedding event.
Hundreds of people, four brides maids, lots of stained glass and a huge pipe organ.
Presbyterian but as orthodox as ever a wedding could be.
And ten years before that, we were...
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I'm feeling a lack of words and am tempted to leave you a horrible emoticon kiss.

Today has been a day of silvery objects-though not directed at my head- definitely sitting all around me. I feel that I would like to throw them hard against a wall- and not care if the person doesn't duct in time. Instead, I will take the hope I read in this and the new book I bought this morning and try to find a peaceful place amoung the fall leaves and let my pent up frustration and hopelessness fade away.

Thank you.
Palms Read, $5

Woman to man she speaks to me in credulous terms
Parables of solstices and stars
As long ago the ancients plied the beastly waves
Of undrawn ragged charts.

The gallery opens in dawn to dusk rhythm
Ornamental dogma hung in tidy array
Like crosses on her manicured slope
As into a ball she gazes
Cats eye glaring in ordinary void
Soothsayers ethereal...
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I'm feeling much better thank you...
Awww, thank you!
We live in an ambiguous culture. Things are said without listening. Witness these real honest-to-God headlines provided by the American Journal Review.

"Lung cancer in women mushrooms"

"Teacher strikes idle kids"

"New study of obesity looks for larger test group"

"Squad helps dog bite victims"

"Local high school dropouts cut in half"

"Miners refuse to work after death"

"Juvenile court to try shooting defendant"

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Thank you for the kind wishes smile
I've been meaning to get back to you about your posts in my journal, but I've been wanting to a have a free moment to write more than a quick thank you.

Your reply on my September 11th entry was beautiful and eloquent. Thank you for sharing your experience. It sounds very similar to mine...even down to the quiet alcoholism. It helps me immensely to know that other people not only relate, but can look back on what I'm going through and tell me it will be worth it.

I read back a few journals of yours, and also really liked reading your writing from your very well expressed views on the endless frustration of not allowing gays to marry to the ability to fall in love for an hour on a plane.

Do you mind if we friend it is easier to stop by and read your journal?

PS The hokey pokey IS what it is all about.

[Edited on Sep 22, 2005 9:45PM]