Field Trip at work today. i got to see this, this is an Electric Arc Furnace this is how they make new production steel from scrap steel. this is not the mill i when to. i was about 20 yards from this lighting in a bottle! awesome!

hope everybody had a wonderful weekend.

lives been a little crazy. i still need to post pics from my trips. i think im over extending myself.
Thank you Luis!! I have missed being around so much on the site! xo
havent done a real update blog. but Italy was awesome and going to California this weekend. .
Italy wow smile
Time Here in Italy is coming to an end soon. Leaving on Monday. Great country with a lot of history. Definitely coming back some day.
Alright tomorrow is my last full day here and Saturday morning I'm on my way to Italy for 10 days.in 72 hour I'm going to be on the other side of the worldbiggrin
Love the new pic
...21 days till Italy excited and a little scared. i need to loss about 10 to 15lbs in 21 days lol i can do it. jobs is starting to get to me but i can deal i hope, we are all getting raise in june some sort of industry thing so looking forward to that. im going to get a zoom lens before my trip....
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holy shit 35days counting today. till i am on a plane to Italy! ...its coming up fast!
less then 7weeks till Italy. works going good. life's good. im low on cash its sucks but should be good. looking forward to the rest of the year.

hope everybody else is dong well.
So life has become repetitive. But good. I've gotten a girlfriend witch I'm extremely happy about. Ugh works starting to get to me, but I can deal with it. I booked my trip to Italy! may14th - 23rd!