woosaaaaaa mothafuckers yeah my comp is finally fix and im back

good im such and idiot why do i open my mouth our talk really j/k i dont really have any thing to say i think all my old friends may have left ill find out soon enough peace out
i dont know if you have got to it yet but read my journal wink
awww you are too sweet and i love it! (about the crush) love
I will be here when you are gone,
So I have the right to a power gorge,
And I will be good at making bad,
And I'll light the way for the fucking mad,
I will defeat what I'm heading for,
And I will be here for evermore,
And I am the way of your empty shell,
I want more than I am,

Cause I...
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*pops head in to see if anyone's at home*

Guess not.



fuck ever thing is going good

went to the pub last night that was so much fucking fun saw the hypodermix play fucking love my boys band they rock and the fucking pub is the shit i mean totally fucking love it all yall bristol TN and VA people need to come the fuck out to it

saw my boy joey at the pub also...
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Happy belated Birthday, man.

Just dropping by to give you a shout.


well let see i have been getting the shit kicked out of me like its going out of style at work its stupid but its money im going to go see cournteny in a few weeks that should be fun that mean ill be seeing bleeding through in a few weeks too so yeah im happy

so mom got this new girl at her job...
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Good to hear that the love life goes well.

I wish the same could be said for your cousin. Damn, six years old, aint that a bitch. It reminds me of this little boy my wife knows who got kicked in the chest by a horse recently and to top it all off it was on his third birthday. Life really sucks a dick sometimes, y'know?

I hope your cousin gets better, man.

Peace and strength.

ok every let update finaly

first of my nipple rock there just great i love them hehehehe

ok well i got about 3 jobs now i work at the new chillies and i work at the church and a help out quite alot at the tattoo shop wich is my most fav.

ok so listen up all you people you want ink done come to...
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I dont know if it ever closed down. But theyre great guys. josh did it.
I saw the funniest tattoo the other day.. This redneck woman at the otter had just gotten this piece that said. Dont Dodge it. Ram it. With the dodge ram logo at the base of her back. The way she was bragging about it one might have thought Michelangelo him-self drew it on her back but it made me wonder if that was some sort of invite for mullet butt sex
hey every body guess what i got a job at chillies and i also got my nipples pirced ill explain more later so please stand by
hey yo.. i just heard that your friend from F.U.C.K. has bought out 7th street.. i'm glad to hear that someone with some fucking sense will be taking care of the bristol scene.. my friends and i just got a space with the Omega Tribe kats. its down from 7th street actually. a billion other bands have been there before. i'm sure you know the place... anyhow i hope the new job works out.. maybe i'll catch you in B-Town.
um ok quick update nothing new has happend im stil the same and im still broke as a mother fucker other than that im happy as a pig in shit
oh look im going to update wee yeah well lets see still havent found a job wich is kinda of shitty but i have been haning out at sacred ink alot wich kicks ass i have made friends with the following tattoo artist ( randy , cooper, T.A.) wich arel the only one that work there but that beside the point me and joey my...
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That tatt sounds so cool!

I love my new ones, but they're oh so sore and icky looking cause they're so fresh! *rub in ointment*

You so have to put up pics of the tatt and the sketches for it biggrin
ok sorry i havent update or posted any where i pretty much for the most part moved out so its kind of an on off thing to come down here and update but i still love all of you very much

ok so what new nothing really um all the TN and VA peopel are more than welcome to come over and drink some beers...
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Maybe she passed out from the pure, undiluted, evil that is Johnson City. wink Sorry, my wife and i lived there for a couple of years and i fucking hated the place.

Maybe you and i will be able to hook up someday at a wrestling show or a concert. I'll have a water and you can have my share of the booze.

Peace. Later.

mabey i should write something clever and mabey it should be mispelled so you all think im a bumbass oh joy wouldnt that be fun i just cant wait to write another entry like that

so some people droped me from there friends list guess im not intreasting enough for them oh well im not intresting enought for my self let alone any one else...
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Thanks a lot, man. The idea of me sleeping again does indeed kick major ass.

I think it weird that anyone would put someone on their friends list and then drop them, but then again i really don't understand a lot of the shit that people get down to.

Good luck with the new place and the new roomie, oh, and especially with the 16 year old. You're dancing with the devil on that one, bro. Just make sure to stay one step ahead.


Die Die my darling dont utter a single word Die Die my darling

i see you there in you little chair looking so _________ he standing there beside your little chair that fucker he is nothing no acount of any thing. How quickly i could despences of you both but i dont for i enjoy the drama and the utter shit that is all are...
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lalala de da

ok so nothing new has happend since i last updated but its ok i like not haveing any thing to do "not" so im still looking for a job there the video store near my house and if jerry would move out i could work with joey but jerry is a lazy bum but hes a good guy i really dont know...
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