You know, it all started to go to shit right after Freddie Mercury died. Come back Freddie! Save us from ourselves! Maybe I've been here a bit too long, but Roger Taylor doesn't look half bad in this video.
Soon people, hopefully I'll be out of here soon.

You know, it all started to go to shit when Freddie Mercury left us. Come back Freddie! Save us from ourselves! Maybe I've been here a bit too long, but Roger Taylor doesn't look half bad in this video.
Soon, hopefully I leave here real soon.
This band always cheers me up. I love the Japaneese. They're so nerdy they're cool.

I'm really tired.

(12 APR 2007 1923hrs Mosul time) UPDATE: I'm still really tired. Boobies, still miss them tons! I'm still going to Australia when I get back.
take a nap

I hate being pissed off all the time. I'm probably going to be somewhat of an asshole when I get home. Oh well, I have the cure. I'm going to Australia when I get back as sort of a "get my head back together/ calm down/ treat myself right" type thing. Plus, Australian boobies. Yes, like the stereotypical American I'm a sucker for a cute...
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Ahhh just came back from a week long pass in Qatar. It was rather relaxing. Now I'm back here again. frown It's funny when you're in a place where there's not very many women and then you are all of a sudden put in a place where there are a few.... and some of them are in bikinis. It's really hard not to stare. I'm gonna...
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OK, too much stupid shit here. I'm going to go home when they say. I'll probably end up coming back here next year anyway. I really miss boobies!!
you should never have to miss boobs..
I'm really bored. I hate my job too. A chimp could do my job! Someone give me some bananas. There's a few people I feel like throwing my crap at too. SAVE ME!!