Wow, I can tell when I get busy. I don't blog any where NEAR as much as I usually do...and I'm not as nosy...

Well, I think the overtime is now done at the job place. If my co-workers weren't so frustrating, I woulda logged more than 4.5 hours of O/T total for the last 2 weeks.

Anyone else has co-workers that don't shut the...
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You know what's awesome....Sara Lee muffins. Those are friggen awesome biggrin
I hate getting into a fight with the man, and he doesn't respond back via text, cuz that's where the misunderstanding took place to begin with. I'm so upset that i'm drunk, and it's interfering with my typing.....and i re-did that last sentence about 6 times.....

eating ramen, drunk on vodka, how was your day??
Ugh, I'm so bored. My computer is right next to the bed, and my fiance is asleep frown
Hello SG, how I have missed you.

Made all those wrist warmers (which are actually fingerless gloves) and the scarf, and a hat, and I have 3 more orders for the gloves biggrin

I'm hoping everyone is well....I'm sick, and my sister and her kids caught a stomach virus.... frownpuke I'm really hoping I didn't catch it
Oh yeah, I'ma be busy for a while. I actually started selling things I'm knitting. YAY!! 8 pairs or wrist warmers and a scarf so far....Busy little bee....

Giving SG all my love since Idk when I'll be blogging and being nosy again.
Hello SG, it's been over a week since I blogged. How are you? Did you miss me? LOL!

So, I knitted a leg warmer (yes, just one), and I don't like how it turned out. They do say, you are your own worst critic, but it's....kinda boring and too bulky. Took 3 hours, but I know not too use yarn that bulky, lol. Redundant, I...
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i miss you alwayz !
Still think it's fascinating tht you knit !!
So, twice already this week I've slept 12-13 hours. I'm not sick so Idk what's going on. I'm just VERY tired. I wonder if anyone else is experiencing anything similar......confused
So, WoW is a little addicting and annoying at the same time. I'm mostly focusing on my skills......Easily distracted, LOL!!!!

Other than that, nothing new in life. I look at that as a good thing biggrin
OMG ...
Make Love Not Warcraft
You'll understand; and enjoy, just let it buffer a bit !!
Oh WoW... I had to quit that game years ago. It was that or college...ARRR!!!
Well, they finally did it. Spyder and Brett bought me World of War craft.....Idk if I'm excited about it.....Is it bad that I'm not excited???confused
Welcome to the dark side tongue Although it is probably a good thing that you aren't excited lol...That game can be like crack blackeyed
Oh God ....
Wow, I didn't think it's been over a week since I've posted. So I had the flu last weekend. My sister had surgery last Monday, and Spyder and I are putting our rooms back together.....this place is a mess tongue

Oh and I FINALLY got my one year review......it's only a month and a half late shocked
Busy is Funn !!
We'll be getting busy here soon too;
moving to a new apt,
prob. w/ less persons ... explain it L8r !!
Hope you feelin a bit betta !!