After a busy night at a friend's wedding i woke up fine actually
just a wee dizzy but i'm fine for real
took a shower to wear off the smell of smoke
waiting for mass effect 2 to finish downloading on steam
and while doing that i'm listening to

good sunday to you all smile
this song makes me think "i'm getting old"
but it's a very good song

also, went to game world 2011 today, it's a video game event here in brazil in my city, twas fun, was very full, loaded with people, good side actually wasn't the event, it was more due to the company of a friend
usually i'm really methodic with money and stuff like that
but college really fucked me up this time
i'm beyond broke
my account is now R$400 negative, all because of college
i gotta find a way to fix that
and for the first time, i'm kinda worried about money, usually things go more smoothly than this
if there's one play i love is Hamlet by Shakespeare
how can you not?
i know this one is a cliche but i really love the to dream, to die part

To be, or not to be--that is the question:
Whether 'tis nobler in the mind to suffer
The slings and arrows of outrageous fortune
Or to take arms against a sea of troubles...
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weee, got a day off today and tomorrow
i was just playing guitar
playing queens of the stone age - little sister
Hello lads and lasses
as i said here is one of my covers
just recorded fresh out of my guitar
and boy... does it suck hahahha biggrin
gone away by offspring
gone away.wma
happy Bday biggrin
how was everyone weekend?
i spent the whole weekend playing world of warcraft (yes i am ashamed of myself)
and i really don't feel like working tomorrow
i'm just watching how i met your mother right now and playing guitar
i might upload some of my covers here sometime biggrin
raining... and i really don't know what to do, just bored, i think i might play something on the guitar, any suggestions?
Hi, i'm only here for a month, still maybe i can find some friends here