Having been single for about 3 years now, I think what I miss the most about having a girlfriend is the silly stuff. Sure, the deep, intellectual or philosophical discussions are great. The physical aspects of dating are great. Always knowing that when you want to go out and do something fun, someone is going to be there, ready to go, is great. What I...
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7/19: If money and time were no issue, which character would you love to cosplay?

I would love to make a functional set of power armor. I'm talking like eight feet high, power-assisted movement, the works. I have the skills to do it, but the time and money are the real issue. Of course, I'd need more space, as well. Kind of hard to keep...
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@bookcouple Thanks! I used a little bit of rigid collodion, which is sort of a skin glue.  If you just trace a line of it on your skin, it pulls together and makes an indentation.  There's a little bit of pink lip liner under the collodion, and some powder over the top.
Hey. If you need emotional support, I'm here. If you need help, I'm here. Need a ride or someone to go with you to get help? I'm here. Just need someone to listen? Need a hug? I'm here. Whoever you are, whatever problems you're facing, I'm here, and I believe in you.

#mentalhealthawareness #depressionawareness #depression #imhere#iamhere #ibelieveinyou #andsocanyou #wereinthistogether #support


After just sort of existing for a couple years, I've finally landed a real grown-up job again. Starting in August, I'll be teaching Middle School Language Arts at an alternative school. The school is for kids who have done something bad enough to get them out of regular school for a while, but not bad enough to send them to Juvey. I'm looking forward to...
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Congrats and good luck, that can be such a hard job
well done x


I get my meds through the VA (Veterans Affairs - a U.S. government organization that takes care of military veterans), but every now and then, they kind of forget to refill them on time. Right now is one of those times. I'm fucking miserable. It's not just the depression, but the anger. Well, not anger so much as absolute fucking rage. I'm doing my best...
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Damn phone must have deleted my reply to yoouuuu, or just not posted. Dagnabit! Yeah I understand what you mean about being tired, it's like your soul and every fibre of your being is worn out, isn't it? Are you able to access some help? I'm getting there thanks! Busy over the next week or so, which is good. I like keeping busy and getting out of the house 🙂.
@kitana_jane That's exactly it.  Gonna show my geek side here, but... "I feel thin, sort of stretched, like butter scraped over too much bread."  I do have access to help.  Doing something creative or active is better, though.
The holiday season is a great reminder of just how lonely and sad some of us are. If you haven't heard from someone in a while, especially if you know they live with depression, reach out to them. You don't have to do anything, really; just be there. That being said, if you need someone, I'm here for you.

It occurred to Pooh and Piglet
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You are absolutely right. We all need someone, sometimes.  I love the story too.  Winnie the Pooh has always been a favorite.  Thank you for being here & if you ever need,  I'm here for you.  😊